[hider=Alastair] Name: Alastair Gender: Male Age: looks to be in his late twenties to early thirties though he is actually over a thousand years old Title: The Fierce Caretaker [h3]Appearance[/h3] Alastair it a huge six foot ten two hundred fifty pound muscular man. Who looks like he could crush a truck with his bare hands. His skin is a simoan dark tan, that goes well with his snow white hair. Which is short, and messy spiked back with two long strands of hair framing his face. His face is very masculine with a scar over going vertically down his left eye which is covered by a black eyepatch. Usually Alastair is seen wearing a dark brown leather jacket with lapels that's usually zipped up halfway but, under the jacket he wears a white shirt. He also has dark almost black jeans, and ankle high motorcyclists boots. He also wears a set of dog tags. [h3]Bio[/h3] Personality: Alastair despite his appearance he is normally calm, and gentlemanly. While also being able to have slight sarcasm, and able to laugh. But, while in battle his personality does fit with the way he looks fierce, and powerful. However, even then he is still careful to ensure no one is ever harmed during his battles. Likes: Italian roast coffee, and Sweets Dislikes: A mess being made in the area right after he'd finished cleaning it. Someone that has no sense of manners. Quirks: Alastair has a rather serious sweet tooth. To the point he can easily be bribed with a single slice of delicious chocolate cake. Alistair can enter a berserk state when he sees an area greedily devoured of all existence. Brief History: Alastair cannot remember much from his first life, and his name was amongst the things he'd lost. Alastair can only truly remember serving as caretaker to a family. I After becoming a Crimson Haze he traveled around the world serving Isis faithfully. While also taking up learning, and mastering the arts in his long life. As to avoid going nuts from just killing crimson Denizens, he decided to pick up hobbies that he found amused him. Thanks to his long life he has mastered many of these hobbies some of which include cooking, and playing the violin. While everyone viewed the torches, and Mystes as merely objects. He helped those that became aware to understand what was happening to them. Even going so far as to serve as their caretaker until they passed. It never really took long, that and he never allowed it to hamper his duties to his true master. So Isis let him play caretaker. It was actually during taking care of one the Mystes that he was given his name. Alastair; which meant the defender of mankind. Finding it rather amusing he decided to accept his new name, after having secretly grown tired of not having one of his own. Currently Alastair resides in Boston maintaining the balance of existence. While also keeping an eye out for anyone who is lost. [h3]Combat[/h3] Weapons: Alistair owns a set of gloves that are black leather. But, when charged with his power they begin to glow with intricate pink markings that wrap all around them. When not charged the markings do not glow. These gloves are lovingly called Kami no Kobushi or "gods fist". As they are strong enough to break through even the toughest of metals without dealing any damage to Alastair. Also in his possession is a treasure tool in the form of a ring. This ring allows Alistair the ability to walk on any surface he chooses. Including the ability to walk up walls or ceilings as if it had it's own form of gravity. Color of Flame: [color=FF52C2]Hot Pink[/color] Powers: ~ Ouroboros: after using an incantation he can summon a serpentine dragon of pink flame to come to his aide. This spell takes much of Alastair's existence not while casted, but during the time the dragon is summoned. It devours more of his existence the harder the task he asks the dragon to perform. ~ Transmutation: Can transmute surrounding material through equivalent exchange, into useful items he can use during combat. Alastair has to have some level of concentration in order to use this power. Unrestricted Spells: ~ Rejuvenating Flames: Removes impurities, and soothes injuries both mental and physical. From not only himself, but those within a one foot radius around him. ~ Seal: places an area inside of a seal. ~ Restoration: restores a sealed area to its original state, including the creation of Torches, the greater the damage to be undone, the more power of existence will be consumed. ~ Torch sense: Is able to detect torches in a large area. Allowing him to tell when they disperse, and how. Equipment: ~ A Smartphone ~ Pack of mint gum ~ Wallet with two credit cards, and fifty dollars. [h3]Crimson Lord[/h3] Name: Isis True Name/Title: Overlord of Alchemy Gender: Female Keepsake: A small silver lions head pin with the eyes being a pink gems. Which he wears on his left lapel Personality: Isis is very bubbly, and seems almost carefree. Though despite that she is a deep thinker. [h3]Misc[/h3] [Hider=Theme] [youtube]https://youtu.be/FwA25yJOQFY?t=2m58s[/youtube] [/hider] [/hider]