Sooo, I think I got it... Lets see. I was a little confused over what to do with intrigue, so I gave it my best guess. [hider=Merik Stonejaw] Homes and Dreams: Become a fighting member of the Knights Templar Failings: Self Depreciating Intrigue: As a blacksmith he has an in depth knowledge of Armaments and Metallurgical arts. As such he is likely to pursue rumors of rare materials for making weapons and armor. This is the reason he is an adventurer. Obsession: (I'm pretty sure I qualify for one) Situational: (Not sure what to do with this section either) Character Sacrilege: Being thrown out of the Templar Smithery. Character Ideal: Become a better blacksmith. Become a fighting member of the Knights Templar. Description: Merik is a well built man and is tireless and strong from years spent at the forge. However, he has nearly no self-confidence with exception to his blacksmithing and knowledge of the Metallurgical arts. MNT (Good): Knowledge of: Blacksmith, Mineral Identification, Arms Identification. Combat: Duel Wield Hammers. PER (Okay): Craftsmanship, Find Weakness SOC (Meh): HRT (Okay): Endurance, High Pain Tolerance CUN: (didn't know what to do here) APP: (didn't know what to do here) Heart Points: (didn't know what to do here) Personality slider: Humorous ----o Serious Selfless -o--- selfish flight ----o fight optimistic ----o pessimistic energetic ---0- lethargic big picture ----o details [/hider] And thats what I got. Skill levels were a bit confusing too. You say 12 skills, but based on your skill build examples, I cannot do it for how I am reading it. But perhaps those three sections that I didn't know what to do with will help make sense of the rest. edit: forgot the personality slider