[sub]in collaboration with [@SunsetRoses][/sub] [h1][center][u][i]"Dreams"[/i][/u][/center][/h1] Lorelai strode briskly through the castle with Lotte and Liz in tow. Witch's heads turned, questions on their faces. 'Is that a hunter?', 'What's she doing here?', 'Lorelai's got a new pet?', 'Who's the little girl? Didn't know Lorelai was into that.'. Lorelai ignored them all. It had been the roughest week or so in recent history for her. She continued in silence, finally ascending the stairs of her personal tower to her room. Lorelai let out a sigh of relief as she pushed open the heavy double doors to her sizable quarters. Kicking off her shoes she sat on the edge of her enormous bed at looked at Liz. [color=00aeef]"Sorry, I've only got the one bed for now. Sousiel uses the guest room, and I'm sure you don't want to share with her. You are however welcome to sleep in mine until I get another."[/color] "Mom, am I sleeping in here too?" she asked, looking around the room with wide eyes. She didn't mind sharing a bed, she and her sisters had shared something closer to a twin between the three of them for most of their lives. [color=00aeef]"Of course dear. I hope you don't mind sharing."[/color] Lorelai smiled at little Lotte, who only grew more endearing with familiarity. Liz had walked a few steps behind Lore the entire time, her eyes wandering carefully over the walls. She wondered when she would get home, and if she would be chewed out by Emiliah for helping the witches. She winced when she considered Flint’s reaction to her helping the woman who killed his father. Elizabeth casually ignored the reactions the other witches had. She squared her shoulders with pride, because she knew she looked like a pet to Lorelai, and not an ally. When they pushed into her personal tower, Liz relaxed completely. She walked inside the heavy doors, and leaned against them. “That's fine, I'll sleep on the floor. Thank you for the offer, but I wouldn't want to throw off the mother-daughter thing you two have.” Liz shot a wink to Lore, and scanned the giant room for a few extra pillows and blankets. “So, what is Sousiel?” She asked, her voice tilting between cautious and curious. [color=00aeef]"Sousiel is a demon, and a familiar, and... Sousiel's complex."[/color] Lorelai sighed. [color=00aeef]"She's whimsical, capricous, and often malicous, but loyal to me. Other's however? She views most everyone else as toys at best, chew toys at worst. Speaking of which, Lotte darling? You'll need a familiar soon, got any ideas?"[/color] Lotte tipped her head to the side. "Like... a pet?" She slowly reached into her pocket and pulled out a tiny baby bird. "I've got one. The mouse ran away but...." Lotte then placed it in Lorelai's hand before skipping off to look at all the things in the room. Lorelai's eyes followed Lotte about the room, she'd explain the finer differences between a familair and a pet later, for now she'd simply let the girl play. [color=00aeef]"Enough about Sousiel though, I'm sure you'll get to know her and form your own opinions on that topic."[/color] Lorelai began removing some of her outerwear, smiling happily as her skin breathed freely for the first time in what felt like ages. [color=00aeef]"What I'd like to know is... why'd you decide to take up hunting?"[/color] Liz smiled, enjoying the bond she found between the two girls. Lotte still had such an innocent mind, even though things in her life were confusing. Then there was Lore, a woman who had been through so much and just wanted to care for her family. Liz wanted to sit down and take notes, maybe she could send them to her own mother. Liz considered Lorelai's description of Sousiel. [i]A demon familiar, how intriguing. If the hunters knew about this place…[/i] she shook off the thought as she looked towards little Lotte. She perked up when Lore adressed her, the witch had begun peeling off her outer layer of clothing. She took this as a sign, and began to take off her armor. Underneath, her sleeves were covered in mostly dried blood, and she prayed to the heavens Lotte wouldn't know what that was. “I decided to become a Hunter because it was my father's profession, and it was that or getting married off to the first Lord my mother needed for trading.” Liz chuckled, shrugging slowly. “Now, it's more to prove I'm not a useless bed decoration. You could say my reputation is...ruined at best.” She pursed her lips mockingly, her face full of joy even though she just acknowledged her whorish reputation. “Is this a game of questions now?” Lotte turned around from running her finger across many of Lorelai's books. "Bed decoration? How do you decorate a bed? Why would you, yeah they are just for sleeping," she said, her expression clearly reading 'you weirdo' "And I mean, you more could get a lot more than a lord for you I bet. I mean, a man once offered a pig for Ash and dad only thought about it for a little bit before saying no. And you are a lot prettier," Lorelai's mouth opened several times before she found the proper words to reply with. A pig for Lotte's sister? That sounded... abhorrent in the extreme. Lorelai was no stranger to the fact that some families treated their daughters as commodities, but the image of Lotte being... sold off to some man... as a wife? It took her a moment to bite back the bile that had risen to her throat, her voice light and cheerful as she replied. [color=00aeef]"A bed decoration is... someone that you cuddle with for fun."[/color] Lorelai didn't particularly want to explain the other uses a bed would have, not right now anyway. [color=00aeef]"And you're quite right, I'd think Elizabeth would make quite the prized bed decoration, not a 'useless' one at all."[/color] She turned to wink at Liz at that. [color=00aeef]"A game of questions it is, ask yours, and I'll reply with my own."[/color] Lorelai finally got the last of her leathers off. When Lotte shot her a ‘you weirdo’ expression, Liz almost doubled over. She hadn't seen a kid so cute since...ever. It was so refreshing, and Liz just wanted to pick up Lotte and twirl her around the room. She would save that opportunity for the girl's mother though. “Never become a cuddle buddy. Unless you're cuddling with your Mother.” “Oh no Lore, I'm sure you would outshine me in that competition. Years of experience serve a lady as beautiful as you well.” Liz winked back, surprised at her own flirtatious nature. Redness creeped upon her cheeks when she saw Lotte’s red hair bobbing around the room, and she diverted her gaze to the floor until the warmth was gone. “Okay, I do quite enjoy games. What do you plan on doing with me when you're done? I will remember this place, do you trust me enough not to hunt you down?” Lorelai was starting to be inclined to believe claims about her beauty, considering the number of suitors she seemed to have lately. She gave Liz a once over, the woman was pretty enough, and seemed... vibrant. [color=00aeef]"Thank you."[/color] she cursed inwardly as she felt a light pink flush into her cheeks. [color=00aeef]"What will I do with you? I'll let you go of course . Hopefully by the end of our agreement you'll either come to realize I'm no one that needs hunting, or how foolish hunting me would be."[/color] Lorelai layed back onto her bed, staring at the ceiling. [color=00aeef]"Depending on how things go I might just invite you to stay."[/color] She thought for a moment. [color=00aeef]"How did you end up in Charon's clutches? You're lucky he decided to make a gift of you, as opposed to his usual disposal method."[/color] Elizabeth laid down on the floor, staring up at the ceiling to see what Lorelai found so interesting about it. Her mind swam with possible questions, many she would never dare ask. “That's true, if you are successful in your quest, I doubt any would challenge you again. If I survive this quest, and Emiliah’s shouting, I won't tell them anything. You have a family to take care of, I won't have them wrench it away from you again.” She twisted to her side, looking up at the giant bed she would be sleeping under. She wondered how Lore’s face would shape when she heard Elizabeth's answer. It intrigued her, and she considered, for a moment, getting up. “It was a large group of us, almost all the hunters came along. We thought it was a necromancer mission, until he started teleporting us around. The things that happened down there, they were all so wrong...I may have to discuss something with you. In private.” She would have to tell Lore about Lotte's sister, it was the right thing to do. Then she could find a way to explain it to the child herself. “What do you mean, invite me to stay? I could never belong in a group of witches. You're all so...eccentric. I believe I would get killed. ” [color=00aeef]"I'm sorry you had to endure that, and I hope your friends made it out."[/color] Lorelai turned onto her stomach, her head peeking over the side of the bed to see Liz. She gave the woman a sad smile. [color=00aeef]"As much as it may make my life easier to have less hunters around, I don't relish the thought of so much senseless killing. Or worse, as I have some insight into Charon's thoughts about [i]fun[/i]."[/color] Lorelai laughed at Liz's question, her eyes twinkling with mirth. [color=00aeef]"Eccentric huh? We might be that yes, but we're not as different as some people might think. This coven is our family, the place where we feel at home and safe. If you come to think of this as home, and if you decide you'd like to remain amongst us you'd be free to. It's not like anyone's going to question my choices anyway."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Tell me, Liz, do you dream of retirement?"[/color] Lorelai tilted her head at Liz, suddenly curious. [color=00aeef]"Getting away from the blood and death of your profession? If you do, what would you do with your retirement?"[/color] Elizabeth stated into the eyes of Lore, trying to read the depths she found there. They were aged, full of wisdom that didn't match her appearance at all. She wondered what her own eyes conveyed: youth; naivete; laughter? Would they someday look old and tired? “I do crave retirement, even though I've only been in the job for a short amount of time. My inheritance will catch up with me someday, unless I disappear. So that is what I will be doing, taking care of a mansion, and land and servants. I will find a husband, but I doubt I'll be happy. My children will be the joy in my life.” Elizabeth clenched her fists, grabbing onto whisps of that life. She was sure it would be real, she didn't have anything else to do later on. “Or maybe, I'll live my life here. Surrounded by strange people that I know and love, then I'll die, and you shall live on.” She sighed merrily, content at the thought of that. Two futures, and she had a lifetime to live one out. “Will you accept me? If I choose to stay will you show me things no other human has seen?” She knew she sounded like a child, full of wonder and anticipation. “I know it's against the rules of the game, but I have another question. Will you love again? Take up another husband or wife?” [color=00aeef]"If you choose to stay, and haven't come to hate me, we'll run across places man cannot see, and scream at strange skies man will never know."[/color] Lorelai grinned. [color=00aeef]"Converse with entities that mankind only sees in the grips of the deepest of fever dreams, as their diseased minds make contact with the vast beyond for a mere moment."[/color] [color=00aeef]"If you wish it, and would join me, I could show you things that would horrify you, things that would rekindle the most grizzled veteran's passion for life."[/color] Lorelai let out an excited breath. A silence hung in the air for several moments, as Lorelai considered Elizabeth's second question. [color=00aeef]"... I suppose I likely will take a wife one of these days... I wish I wouldn't, but someday I'll probably be happy with someone else, and Vespa's face will fade from my mind."[/color] [color=00aeef]"I suppose she taught me what I needed to know about love though... and I'll always treasure that."[/color] Lorelai sighed heavily. [color=00aeef]"What about you? What has life taught you about love?"[/color] Elizabeth couldn't help herself, her breath caught as Lorelai described the possibilities they would have together. She grinned madly, and closed her eyes so she could imagine everything Lorelai described. It was a beautiful picture, full of gaps that could only be filled by the witch before her. “The thought of that is too amazing for words, Lorelai. If I could ever ask for a guide through that, it would be you.” She felt her heart speed up, Lorelai was a catalyst for her excitement. She couldn't wait to explore their friendship, maybe someday they could trust each other enough to do the things she described. Liz’s heart slowed to a steady thrum when she heard the somber tones in Lorelai's voice. She reached out for the witch, too afraid to touch her. “Vespa sounds like a lovely woman. She must have been to have found a way into your wounded heart.” She smiled warmly, to encourage Lorelai's emotions. “I don't think you're one to forget, but a true lover would want nothing more than for you to be happy. When the time comes, and her image is replaced by another, I hope you can sleep soundly knowing that it isn't wrong.” Liz didn't push away the emotions she felt, she didn't want to stop empathizing with Lorelai. “Life has taught me little about love. I found my heart pounding for Flint, but I don't believe I'm right for him. I crave his happiness, but I know when I see it I'll feel miserable and alone. I don't want to fall in love, just to see things crumble.” She considered her next question, chewing thoughtfully on her lip. “Lorelai, if you become the leader of this coven, what will you change? What if I became more than just your guard...I could be your right hand man. We would make a great pair, I know it.” She smiled brightly. “We could experience new things every day. We could take Lotte with us, and your new wife. It would be a family excursion and I would be the weird Aunt that awkwardly hangs around. Doesn't that sound amazing?” [color=00aeef]"What would I change? I really don't know. I just want to make sure it weathers the storm that's coming, after that I may step down to allow someone more suitable to lead it times of peace take my place."[/color] Lorelai let out a decidedly girlish giggle. [color=00aeef]"I suppose you could yet become someone I could rely on, time will tell, but I'm hopeful."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Flint deserves happiness, so does his brother Fenros."[/color] Lorelai's tone turned somber. [color=00aeef]"I'm sure if you were to fall in love with him, he'd return your affections. He seemed to care for you a good deal after all. I just hope they can set aside their hatred for me. Were it not for Lotte I might let them slay me, just so they could know peace, but I can't let her grow up like I did. No little girl needs to be taught how to live by demons, with no one for company but their familiar."[/color] [color=00aeef]"If you choose to remain with me, and Lotte, perhaps when everything is said and done we'll travel far away from here."[/color] Lorelai rolled onto her back again, yawning. [color=00aeef]"We'll take Elina and Alyssa with us, find someplace with rolling hills, near a lake. Maybe we'll grow old in peace there, away from hunters and rivals."[/color] Elizabeth nodded, her grin was unfaltering. She couldn't remember a time she had been this happy, just sitting and talking. [i]Just an everyday discussion with the woman I'm supposed to be trying to murder. Nothing could be better.[/i] She giggled silently, her blue eyes sparkling like the ocean. “Yes, they do deserve happiness, but if you let them slay you they probably wouldn't. Knowing them they would make up some random excuse so they could fight you again, without having to feel sympathy.” She rolled her eyes, to keep the mood light. “I'm sure he would, he already confessed his affections for me, and I as well. However, I turned him down, I think I'll regret my decision. Maybe not.” “You're doing a great thing for Lotte, it's what she deserves. I will protect her, and keep your family safe. It isn't about the vow anymore, one of us deserves happiness.” She rolled onto her back once more, staring at the ceiling as if it were a masterpiece. There she saw past the materials that had been used to make it, looking through them and into her future. A victory for Lore, and for the rest of her family. A home for Liz, away from her court and the hunters she would always remember. Surrounded by witches-scratch that-surrounded by the rolling hills of the country. A farmhouse, where she would wander with witches and enjoy the rest of her years. Maybe a mortal by her side, but that wasn't her priority. Liz yawned, deep and full of satisfaction. She would sleep soundly, not worring about anything. She could trust her new companion. If she returned to Seren’s Folly after this she had no clue how she would explain her time here. They would probably think she had been miserable, she could never tell them the truth without harsh judgement. She didn't have to, she at least didn't have to think about it right now. “Goodnight, Lorelai.” [color=00aeef]"Goodnight, Elizabeth"[/color]