There was a small thud, Eryx didn't move at all, he let the small hand smack against the tightened muscle strewn over his chest. "Go for the temple or the jaw." He states, walking towards her, hands still in his pockets. "The rear of tje jaw, I suppose you can call it the hinge, go right into it. Tye temple aim for the soft sensitive tissue." He looks down, she wasn't using powered attacks like the others after all, he could use this to play his games. His first objective of course was just torment. "Your arm should never swing unless your opponent is shielding his face and you need to get around it. Even an uppercut, you don't swing, lower your body and punch straight up. Attack like your target is eight inches behind your opponent and drive through." Second objective:intimidation and provocation. He would keep stepping forward even if she stopped, he'd just bump into her and keep walking until either she fell, was against the wall, or did something effective enough to make him stop. His eyes were squinting just slightly in the small frown her wore with his glare, the deep eyes now piercing as if he were looking through her. "Do it again, hit me and do it right." He said, almost barking it as an order, wearing a wicked grin of amusement. "Fists at your chin, shoulders squared, elbows at 84ยบ you need small mobility leeway." Final step in his game was to end it quickly if she didn't play along, another sloppy punch and his hand would leave his pocket and push towards that point. If she did play he'd still try to put her to sleep the same way, but a propper stance would probably give her a far better chance of defending the pressure point.