[@mummble]Character looks fine to me, we are getting a very varied cast together, i love it! Feel free to go ahead and post him in the CHAR section, and you can go ahead and write your first IC post. Basically, it's some time around 7 in the morning and everyone is getting ready and making their way to the training room. Be there at 8.30 sharp ;) [@Kurai]No worries, we are still getting started so there is no rush (yet :P). Since your character was the first to arrive at the training room, i went ahead and had Irakois suggest he could train a bit, i think that fits his personality. Looking forward to your post. And in general, it's fine that the RP is not moving extremely fast right now. I realize the plot so far is nothing too exciting, but i promise it will pick up very fast once everyone has arrived at the training room. And since we are getting more people to join the RP, maybe the higher number of participants will allow us to move along in a good pace. Don't forget, we are here to have fun and enjoy ourselves :D