[@Darcs] Levi gave a grateful smiled as he took the 'old school medicine' with his good hand, as he became more aware his injuries were becoming more real. With a groan he took a little look around at the bare roof top and nodded towards Darius trying to express some form of thanks. Eagerly he lifted the canteen to his lips and took a painful swig, lay down and then just rest a moment. "[i]Whats happening? Why is...[/i]" His sentence trails off as he stares at the sky and realises it is pointless. It didn't matter how or why, just that it was, and now he had to deal, they all had to deal with it. "[i]Thank-you,[/i]" he whispers as he sits up. "[i]I'd be dead now if it wasn't for you two, [/i]" Levi tries to asses his injuries and lets out a gasp as he tries to move his leg. "[i]'Fraid your right, won't be moving for a while, you sure [b]they[/b] can't get us up here? Hell, how long can [b]we[/b] last up here?[/i]"