Join with the prince’s army, or hunt some outlaws? Either one sound fine to him, but Rivacheg was a while away. He could probably made it within a day if he rushes the horse, but considering that the White Wolfs (sic) likely operated between the two cities, Ntaaj was probably going to run into them before he gets the job to go after them. Ntaaj assumed that Prince Yaroglek was in Curaw, but then again if he was waging war against the Nords at their eastmost territory, he might be at a town or city closer. Maybe Rivacheg; seemed like a good idea to take out Werecheg first since it was largely cut off by the rest of the Nord cities by land. Then again, the nords were tough opponents too. While Ntaaj has never had the pleasure to face off against one of them before, he’s heard a lot about their famous strength and durability. And their lack of horses or skilled archers. Either way, it seemed like Ntaaj was heading north. Shame about the village boy, but there wasn’t much Ntaaj could do for him. Maybe if he’s lucky Ntaaj would be with the men who’d liberate the village. Still… Maybe the village boy could be of some use. [b]”Thanks for the tip.”[/b] Ntaaj left the counter after the barkeep went back to her gossip and looked for the village boy. When or if Ntaaj found him, he’d call out to the peasant. [b]”You there! Who is attacking your village and do you know where they come from?”[/b] If the boy knew, then Ntaaj would know what route to avoid to get to Rivacheg. It may take longer, but better that he gets to Rivacheg safe and sound then full of arrows and dying.