[@tsukune] You read the dictionary like a storybook? And your first language is Chinese? Why, hellooo, brethren! :sun Nothing more soothing sometimes to know you're expanding the teaspoon-sized vocabulary, right? (And for non-native English writers like us, we will always wonder if our vocab is enough; it rarely feels like it is. Darn critical Asian eyes and mind!) I spoke Cantonese first, and while it's a dialect, it actually has its own grammar at times. Compare 嫉妒 qnd 妒忌 for example - both mean "envy", but the former is [i]jì dù[/i] and the latter is [i]dù jì[/i] (Cantonese, read in Mandarin). Back in my hometown, and for some Hong Kong folks, we call English "chicken intestines". Go figure how much the older community like this language. :lol And I think backstory can be a close runner-up to that difficulty for a CS. Look at all these edgelords populating the site! //mobbed