Personally i wouldn't have minded at all if Captain America was given an onscreen homosexual relationship. In fact part of me hoped that they were going to go that route before Civil War came out. Although that being said i knew it probably wasn't going to happen meaning i wasn't really that shocked when it didn't. I think it would be great if the MCU could add some diversity in the form of some more prominent LGBT characters. I doubt we'll be seeing that though for a long time which is unfortunate! Hopefully we'll get a Young Avengers and/or Runaways film! In regards to that Cap spoiler, I'm extremely pissed. It's just incredibly out of character (which may seem hypocritical to say considering my opinions on a gay/bi/non-straight cap), as well as just plain stupid! Was actually considering putting it on my pull list before this happened! Don't get me started on Civil War II!