Luka returned to the town, a little bit confused about why the guards on this side were running round, making a ruckus about something that seemed to have happened recently. Well, shrugging this sort of thing off, she went over to a building with a wooden sign hanging down...the sign had an anvil painted on it. The smithy's. Taking a moment, she opened the door and stalked inside, "I got a spare sword that needs fixing up!" ----- With his bird's eye view...and, in general, an eagle's sense of sight...and also, being only another building away...Skender was disappointed when he saw armour take the goat down, when it was almost half way down. Feeling, well, cheated, the shape shifter lay on his back and kicked his talons up into the air childishly, letting out strange angry eagle noises...before quickly recovering and looking around. It seems the meddler was racing off over rooftops to...elsewhere. Taking flight, and circling overhead, he stared down at what looked to be a chase. Watching for a few minutes, considering what to do next, it was a decidingly non-human saturated sort of situation. Skender was going to have non of it, and instead flew off in the opposite direction...wasn't house D-de-des-House Desu's heir riding along this way? Circling around in the sky, and eventually spotting the house's entourage...making his talons less sharp, he dove quickly towards his target. Before anyone could properly get out a word to say, Skender caught himself last minute, and perched on the man's shoulder. Yes, a proud and powerful looking bird, regarding the people calmly with intelligent eyes...surely this majestic winged creature must belong to the heir of the Desol house, right...? That was the collective thought of the people of the street, while the retainers at least knew the bird didn't belong to Haklo. The bird puffed out it's chest, readying itself to let out a bird of prey's bold cry... [b]CHIRP CHIRP, SQUAW~![/b] ...