[@Doc Doctor] It was one of those momentdays of divine realization of one's own mistake as he threw his weight willingly in the direction that Gonad had been aiming to pull him. Though he was no lightweight it was as though he were a plaything in the hands of a child as he slammed into the floor with so much force that his stomach projectiled his lunch from his mouth over his face. Broken bits of tooth clattered across the floor and danced with splinters of wood that were thrown from the point of impact. On his back he felt like a woman who had bedded a man at least thrice her size, and was really regretting it the next day. The scientist also felt as though his ribs had broken from the slam, though it could just be the sharp pain of his back on the floor. He would check later. Right now he attempted to right himself into a seated position once again, his eyes now totally blurred due to the lack of glasses. His reflective and refractive glasses were actually impotant, and now they were somewhere outside his reach. Today was not a good day for him, and honestly he was starting to get a bit mad. Something he hasn't felt since he crash landed on a desert planet with a Goliath as his only traveling companion. He raised his right hand to about face level as he sat there on the floor, the palm facing outwards from his own face. [b]I swear to at least five gods, I'm going to burn off your face. So I never have to imagine that cold aloof stare again.[/b]