[hider=Klaus Untergang][hr][hr][center][h1][color=black]Klaus Van Untergang[/color][/h1][hr][hr] [IMG]http://ilarge.lisimg.com/image/8249456/1118full-ralph-fiennes.jpg[/IMG] [b]{[/b]"[i]“How fortunate for leaders that men do not think.” [/i]"[b]}[/b] -[b][i]Adolf Hitler[/i][/b][/center][hr] | [color=black][b]Full Name[/b][/color] | Klaus Van Untergang | [color=black][b]Nickname[/b][/color] | 'Captain Nazi' 'Hitler' 'That Racist Asshole' | [color=black][b]Birth Date[/b][/color] | 6/17/1993 | [color=black][b]Age[/b][/color] | 23 | [color=black][b]Classification[/b][/color] | Senior | [color=black][b]Gender[/b][/color] | Male | [color=black][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | Death (He has a weakness for beautiful women, however) | [color=black][b]Alias[/b][/color] | Übermensch | [color=black][b]Role[/b][/color] | Do you have to ask? (PS: He's a villain) | [color=black][b]Loyalty[/b][/color] | Delphina | [color=black][b]In Depth Appearance[/b][/color] | Klaus stands at 6'3 and weighs around 200 pounds. His skin is deathly pale and completely clean of any piercings or tattoos. His hair is golden blonde and always groomed to perfection. In contract, his eyes are a sharp winter blue. Klaus is perfection. Everything about him (physically) is perfect; to the tee. His body is in better shape than many professional athletes. His mind is sharper than iron. Klaus has worked his entire life to appear this way. In a similar vein of thinking, Van Untergang is rarely seen without his uniform; an old SS officer's uniform that belonged to his father. | [color=black][b]Habits | Quirks | Oddities[/b][/color] | Clicks his tongue when annoyed. Glares, even when not angry. Very conscious of his appearance. | [color=black][b]Hobbies[/b][/color] | Combat Training Enhancing his Abilities Making People Miserable | [color=black][b]Likes[/b][/color] | History (Specifically, WW2) Violence Manipulating People War Documentaries Classical Music Science Chess | [color=black][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] | Courage Opposition Heroes Non-powered People (This is less 'dislike' and more 'hate with the burning passion of a thousand suns') Mayweather Rebellion Weak Authority Figures | [color=black][b]Fears[/b][/color] | The Courage of Men His past being Discovered (So inadvertently, telepaths) Falling in love (his grandfather's 'weakness') | [color=black][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] | +Determined +Ambitious +Charismatic +Strong Willpower +Natural Leader +Appears Confident -Hateful -Arrogant -Manipulative -Merciless -Sadistic -Fueled by Revenge -Evil to the Core -Psychopathic Narcissist -Terribly Insecure | [color=black][b]Personality[/b][/color] | At first glance, Klaus Van Untergang is not a complicated man. He seeks to emulate the personality of the world's most hated dictator. He puts on an appearance of overwhelming confidence to hide his inner insecurities. Klaus has a way with words. His silver tongue can convince crowds to follow his every whim. You'd be surprised just how many people are looking for a leader like Van Untergang. He prides himself on his ability to turn men to his will without the use of his powers. When words fail him, Übermensch is quick to resort to his using his powers. He'll manipulate others by exacerbating their worst fears. Combined with his charisma, confidence, and utter determination, any man will eventually fall to terror. And when a man is truly afraid, he will do [i]anything[/i] to survive. Even something so atrocious as genocide. But Klaus is anything but perfect; even if he wants everyone to think he is. He hates those who oppose him. Revenge has motivated his every action. He doesn't care who gets hurt on his twisted crusade. To him, the end truly justifies the means. Klaus just happens to enjoy the means immensely. Hurting others, whether physically or emotionally, is one of the few activities he'll go out of his way to take pleasure from. Van Untergang is obsessed with manipulating others, through either fact or propaganda, to his way of thinking. The man thinks very highly of himself; in fact, he's a full blown Narcissist. Übermensch is cruelty given form. He is evil incarnate. Everything about him spews destruction, death and suffering. The only person he's ever felt bad for is himself. | [color=black][b]Abilities[/b][/color] | Major - Übermensch has the power to control his enemies through fear. He is able to manipulate even the smallest inkling of discomfort into outright panic. He does this by imposing his considerable will over others. When Klaus is successful, he is able to influence the thoughts and desires of those effected. The weakest willed people will be under his complete control. Van Untergang's control depends upon various factors, such as: the target's willpower, courage, desires, and morality. Those who's goals align with Klaus's are quite easy to control. Minor - Klaus can absorb the fear of those around him to empower his physical strength. He's not quite sure how to control this, however, so it takes awhile to absorb people's terror and a bit random in when it actually works. | [color=black][b]Limitations[/b][/color] | Those able to overcome fear cannot be controlled. People who are completely opposed to whatever Klaus asks can generally resist his orders, even if they are weakwilled. Likewise, those with a strong sense of morality (that goes against Van Untergang's) are able to resist as well. Klaus is only able to use his powers on anyone in a 70 foot radius. The further you are from Übermensch, the less power he has over you. | [color=black][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color] | A small, unnamed village in Argentina | [color=black][b]Family[/b][/color] | Gerald Van Untergang - Grandfather. SS Officer during the Second World War. Power of Fear Inducement. Deceased. Ruth Ben Abraham - Grandmother. Jewish Immigrant living in Germany when Hitler rose to power. Deceased. Naomi Van Untergang - Mother. Daughter of a Jewish immigrant from Germany. Power of Super Strength. Deceased. Jeffery Van Untergang - Father. Son of a young SS Officer in the Third Reich. Power of Fear Inducement. Deceased. Hans Van Untergang - Older brother. Named after Hans, Gerald's best friend. Power of Fear Inducement. Deceased. Gretel Van Untergang - Older Sister. Power of Super Strength. Deceased. | [color=black][b]History[/b][/color] | Our story begins in the year 1945. Two German Officers, no older than eighteen, had grown weary of violence and cruelty. One day, Gerald spotted a pair of beautiful Jewish girls being dragged into a concentration camp. He and Hans watched in fascination as the two kept their heads held high as they were led to their certain death. Hans was instantly enthralled and quickly convinced his friend to spring the two women. Each man brought in every favor they had. The plan was daring and nearly cost them all dearly. Yet, somehow, the pair succeeded. The four of them ran away to South America, where they planned to live out the rest of their lives in peace. Hans married Emilia, and Gerald married Ruth. The war ended a few months later. The pair of couples moved into a tiny village, away from prying eyes. Decades past. Ruth and Emilia birthed their last two children: Naomi and Jeffery. The two grew up together, only a week apart. It was always obvious that they would be the ones to finally unite the two families. And when each came of age, Jeffery made the expected move and began courting Naomi. Before the end of the second year, Naomi and Jeffery were wed. The two raised a pair of twins up only a year after the wedding day. It wasn't until June 17th, 1993 that they had little Klaus. The boy grew up speaking three different languages: Spanish, German and English. He caught on quite quickly, unlike his siblings. He attended a local school house for a few years and passed with perfect grades while still managing to slack off. Jeffery noticed this and found a charter school three villages away. He would drive young Klaus there every day until he turned fifteen and was old enough to drive himself. Klaus graduated at the ripe old age of sixteen with a perfect GPA. He blamed it on the elementary material; but his father knew Klaus was much smarter than he realized. Life appeared to be going the boy's way. Yet, that all changed the night of his graduation party. Hordes of angry villagers gathered outside the house, each of them armed with anything from a torch and pitchfork to a shotgun. The locals had grown tired of the 'devils' living among them. Their powers terrified the people. They saw it all as magic and witchcraft. The ensuing battle claimed a hundred lives. Everyone Klaus loved lay dead, alongside dozens of blood-hungry humans. He ran for his life. The villagers pursued Van Untergang all the way across the border into Brazil. Klaus barely escaped by hiding inside of a mass grave. The Übermensch fled to America. He lived among the people under a false name. Every second of every day, he lived in absolute terror. He suspected that any day now, the men who had murdered his family would come for him to finish the job. At his lowest moment, Klaus looked for a sign of hope. And he found it. Hidden within his grandfather's old chest, the only object Klaus had grabbed before he ran away, was ancient film footage of Adolf Hitler. Specifically, his speeches. Van Untergang found a savior in the world's most evil man. His only life line, a genocidal dictator from the past. Klaus embraced his grandfather's old lord as his example. He knew he was one of the Übermensch, the Supermen, that Hitler spoke of. The next step in human evolution. The future. But the only way to bring that future about was to eliminate the inferior creatures that swarmed the world. Humanity. They were heartless, cruel monsters that all deserved to die. They would die at the hand of the Übermensch. The Superman. Delphina eventually found Klaus Van Untergang and brought him into their school. It was there that Klaus could fulfill his purpose. He would raise up an army of Supermen and he would lead them in his conquest of the world. He spent the next few years of his life amassing an army of loyal followers. Klaus used everything from his intelligence, to his charisma, and even his powers to get them to join him. The first major setback to his plan came in the destruction of the school. He watched all of his hard work burn to the ground. When word reached him that Mayweather may have been responsible, and that he would be attending their school temporarily...Well. Only a weakling forgives. And only the stupid forget. No, the Übermensch was strong. He would destroy Mayweather by any means necessary; anyone who refused to conform to Delphina's ways would perish by his hand. So says the Übermensch. So says Superman. | [color=black][b]Extra[/b][/color] | Sinestro's pretty cool, dog.[/hider]