[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ju9xAjo.png[/img] [color=firebrick][h2]𝓐𝓷𝓻𝓲 𝓑𝓸𝓴𝓾𝓭𝓸[/h2][/color][/center] [hr] None of this made sense. This had to be a nightmare. The chaos in the room, the smelly blood chunks, and now Shizune, who Anri always felt was that sort of emo-gothic-horror-ghost-story type of girl, said they were in some realm called the World of Waking Dream. More like Realm of Nightmares, but this was no time to act edgy. Anri immediately distrusted Shizune, because to Anri no one could be so calm and collective if they didn't have some hand in this. If this was just a sick prank, Anri will literally throttle someone. But things soon proved to be no joke. Shizune suddenly stopped talking and told everyone to be quiet. Anri was still waiting for Shizune to speak when she too noticed that the music had stopped. This couldn't be good. Anri looked around and noticed someone standing outside the door. Some sort of… Man. But Anri knew better than to think this person was remotely human. Sure enough it raised its right arm, some sort of saw (actually a violin bow, but Anri thought it was a saw) and started slashing it's own hacked up arm. But instead of blood, music came out. And then it's intestines. [Color=firebrick]"What the fuck!”[/color] Anri screamed out. There was no way any of this could be real. If this was a movie then this thing would be the creepy but gimmicky horror movie monster. Anri would have been unnerved, but not scared. But being here right now, looking at this thing… Anri was terrified. The monsters intestine were choking out Alex and Tony, and creepy dolls with knives came out of the monster. In her panic, Anri only followed her instincts. She reached and clung onto someone, hoping they had some solution to this madness or at least could guide her to safety. And that unlucky person was Yuriya, who seemed to be the next cool headed and furthest away from the monster. [color=firebrick]"Yuri-chan what do we do!? How do we survive something like that!?"[/color] Anri didn't imagine the thing was flammable, and right now burning things weren't really on her mind.