[@Polaris North] [@pkken] [@Dark Light] Koga would rub his forehead and groan some and walk away from then then turn back to the students "I'll only say this once!" he states "Trying to experiment with your summoning abilities at your current stage of development will only result in injury and majority of the time death" he states to all of them "Like our student here did an example off.. he was lucky to get off with injury, if he hadn't lost concentration he could of ended up causing himself to explode" he states shaking his head "Always ask permission from me, Oni, or the headmaster if you want to experiment with anything so we can tell you of the risks... and if your even capable of doing something at your current level of development" he states. He would then stand back as the rest of the students did their first channeling, even Charles who was watching the scene play out.... with bit of an angry look at Avarius, Charles has seen some students die in this school so it doesn't sit well with him seeing another student try something. He would close his eyes and put his hand out into the air, his emotions would be mixed into it slightly causing a strong gust of wind to eject out from his hand into the air before dissipating. After the students finish Koga would look over all of them "everyone stand up" he states "Now we'll go on a trip" he states and starts walking towards the treeline heading east "Keep up, Keep up" he shouts to them.