[@Sleeth] Alyssa huffed as she realized her punch had done nothing what so ever. She listened to Eryx's suggestions. She didn't get why he was giving her suggestions, it made no sense at all. She was fighting him, why would he help her. She didn't say anything to the comment but she took a step back from him as he walked closer to her. It was clear to her at this point that combat wouldn't work in her case. She continued stepping backwards as far as she could. She knew it wouldn't be long till she hit the wall. 'Powers.' She thought to herself, though she highly doubted that the idea would ever have the slightest effect on him. The mind reading didn't work, it was unlikely that her other power would. 'Worth a try.' She thought to herself. With that she turned away from Eryx for a second, and ran a couple of steps behind. She didn't want him to walk up to her to fast. She turned around, and held her hands towards him. She focused as much as she could possibly, ignoring the last part of his statement, and fired. She attempted to make him fall down or something of the such.