[quote=@Dedonus] Crap....[b]*goes to check CS*[/b] Edit: Bucky/Winter Soldier is approved. Is there anyone else whose character sheet I accidentally overlooked? [/quote] Ded forgot my Bucky Bear... [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/e00016ef00e23f5a239c32e253fcd68b/tumblr_nnf3a0XBW31qc2fi0o8_r1_500.gif[/img] x'D HAHAHA oh man ... hope you guys can tolerate all of my amnesiac/whos Bucky puns ... I'm sorry in advanced, I will just write them all down and put them in a jar from now on. [quote=@Sep] Did you know political correctness has gone to the point that GLAAD or w/e it is called is petitioning for Bucky and Cap to have an actual on screen homosexual relationship. While I have nothing against gays, this is just freaking stupid. But yeah guys some of us read actual comiiics. I don't read Cap stuff but I do read other comics so carefuls I be pissed if something be spoiled. I do think it's an unbelievably stupid way to try to make the character somewhat new. [/quote] Theres already a wealth of fan created Stucky stuff and their relationship on screen clearly isn't sexual or romantic, they're bros, really awesome bros. I think it would be really cool if they became housemates/roommates for a while because it would be hilarious and I don't want Bucky to be lonely (plus he needs someone to make sure he doesn't flip his crazy switch and go all Hydra-mode ...). Maybe Marvel could sate the rabid fangirl hunger for Stucky by making a short comic series that explores that pairing, a once-off sort of thing. Stucky doesn't fit the MCU, but maybe some alt-reality or stand-alone story in the comics or a book/novellas. Its a waste of resources for orgs like GLAAD to kick up a fuss over a fictional character ... Ummmm ... Why not try stamp out discrimination rather than nag for gay characters in a fictional universe... Making characters the "token gay" or making the chars sexuality SO crucial to their character means its probably a shit character :/ I'd rather Bucky be a [b]bad ass assassin[/b] who happens to be gay as opposed to Bucky being a [b]gay assassin[/b] who happens to be a bad ass ... More gay characters is great, but ... shoehorning them in will only be detrimental for the character especially if the characters sexuality is basically their selling point. [quote=@Sep] [@Natty] Civil War II is just them trying to cash in on new audiences who watch the MCU. I disagree with putting Cap gay on-screen. They've done nothing to suggest he could be that in the MCU to date."Oh but him and Bucky are so in looove." No, I think it's more of a case that his best friend (practically brother) turned out to be alive, when almost everyone else he knew was dead, and brainwashed by the evil organization he hates more than anything. I don't understand why with the acceptance of the LGBT community (Which I have nothing against) it needs shoehorned into everything, it's political correctness gone mad. It's like when movies (mentioning no names) try to pander to a specific audience by shooting half of their movie in their native country for no real reason. [/quote] I agree with this pretty much wholeheartedly. Cap and Bucky is a poor choice at this point, but Marvel can totally explore other options. They're working on Iron Fist now, Finn Jones has practice playing gay in GoT so if they wanted a gay Danny Rand, they're working on a blank canvas since this is the first series of Iron Fist on netflix. Black Panther could be gay (not likely since Lupita Nyong'o is probably being cast to be his romantic interest), Civil War didn't set up any particularly straight or gay romances for him, so he's a blank canvas. Scarlet Witch could be lesbian, but her and Vision is obviously a brilliant pairing so its best we not go there x'D. Falcon could be gay, since he doesn't have any serious relationships in Captain America at all to rule out the possibility. People just want Stucky because its Steve and Bucky which is a stupid reason ... More gay would be great, but you notice its Stucky thats getting all the press, why aren't people saying Falcon or Black Panther should get together? Or that Scarlet Witch and Black Widow should start up a lesbian romance? This is clearly about Stucky and not about LGBT issues, which means they're making a fuss for all the wrong reasons. I'LL WORK ON TARENE AND BUCKY POST NOW!!!