[quote=@Sep] [@Spud] orrrr they could make a current gay character on screen? Tbh with DCs Rebirth and Marvels ANAD I would say that while Marvel have the movie game... they don't appear to have the comic game. [/quote] Oh yeah, totally, theres plenty of LGBT chars in the comics, but this whole Stucky thing ... c'mon x'D I wish there were asexual characters though ... I mean Im not [i]too[/i] fussy about it because sexuality isn't the be-all-and-end-all but an asexual hero or villain would really appeal to me. I wonder how Suicide Squad will fare ... Marvel really is the powerhouse when it comes to movies though, at least right now anyway, they're totally slaying it these days, I don't think Suicide Squad will knock Marvel off its perch even if its really really good because Marvel is all over the cinematic stuff right now! ALSO POSTED!!! Bucky has landed and Tarene [i]might[/i] be escaping ... [s]or maybe not ;)[/s] EDIT: I'm not sure if anyone is using Strucker for anything, but if he's busy, just say so and I'll find some random Hydra dude to give Bucky his mission instead and edit my post!!!