[quote=@Sep] Tbh with DCs Rebirth and Marvels ANAD I would say that while Marvel have the movie game... they don't appear to have the comic game. [/quote] Absolutely agree with this! Read DC Rebirth #1 yesterday and it looks great! Pretty sure I'm going to end up adding quite a lot of DC to my pull list! ANAD hasn't been too bad so far. From what I've read anyway. There's been some decisions I haven't been too keen on, such as this new Cap issue ofc, as well as whatever's going on with Peter Parker/Spider-Man right now. Truth be told I haven't read much of the new Amazing Spider-Man, but the premise doesn't really seem all too Spider-Man to me if that makes sense? Might just be because I haven't read much of it though! Really enjoying Totally Awesome Chulk (sorry [@sep]), although that's mainly because i love Amadeus Cho! I like how he's taking his own spin on the Hulk and how it affects him! Next plot line is apparently involving Bruce Banner too! Anyway, now that I'm done with this weird little fangasm, I'm off to bed! [sub][sub]Hopefully posting this weekend as America and/or Boomerang[/sub][/sub]