[center] [color=#991115][b]Name[/b][/color] Dante [color=#991115][b]Gender[/b][/color] Male [color=#991115][b]Age[/b][/color] 19 [color=#991115][b]Race[/b][/color] Human/werewolf [color=#991115][b]Side in War[/b][/color] Neutral [color=#991115][b]Appearance/Description[/b][/color] Dante is 6 feet tall and has short black hair with silver eyes. He has many scars, on his chest, arms and one over his face, from battles with creatures and he is a monster/creature hunter, lured by legends. He wears wolf skins over his armor. Grumpy expressions most of the time and rarely smiles unless in battle. [color=#991115][b]Backstory/Bio[/b][/color] Dante was raised by hunters in Onyxia. Their favorite thing to hunt were vampires. One day on a hunt with his friends, when they were 15, they encountered a vampire werewolf battle going on. They tried to kill both sides, but sadly his friends died in battle and he became a werewolf himself. The village, Cabal, thought he was the one who killed his friends and banished him for treason and murder, instead of hanging him right away. After becoming a werewolf he is banished from his village in Onyxia, Cabal, and now wanders still hunting. He is cold to others and sticks to himself most of the time. He is not very social but can get the job done. He isn’t disturbed when he kills, not hesitant, and is a survivalist. Killing does not phase him in the slightest. Dante does not trust others often either, due to his coldness and longing for solidarity.He prefers to be solo due to his past experiences and the event that dealt with his friends death. His werewolf nature is mostly under control through years of practice and careful training.Although he does lose control while being a werewolf, depending on the intensity of the frenzy. [color=#991115][b]Choice of Weaponry[/b][/color] Great sword, Dagger given too him by a dying friend that he hides on his person, Crossbow [color=#991115][b]Garb[/b][/color] Wears light leather armor for hunting, Heavy iron armor for serious battles. Wears wolf skin over both sets of armor [color=#991115][b]Personality[/b][/color] Antisocial and distant. Grumpy. Alert and focused. Doesn't trust others much, has trust issues after past experiences. Mostly solo oriented but will work in groups if he must. Dante loves the lure of battle and battling itself, he finds an adrenaline rush out of it that fuels his passion to fight. [/center]