[quote=@The Nexerus] This paragraph's telling of events represents the polar opposite of observable reality and is written in complete disregard for every historical example and mathematical model of market activity ever studied, created or interpreted by every single economic school of thought within and without orthodoxy; alternatively, it may depict the economic forces involved in a parallel universe. Business cycles become more turbulent when market forces are intervened upon. [/quote] If this is true then why does nobody ever take it into practice? I know free market rhetoric is popular, but these same school never seem to take the next step in practicing it. That there are interventionist steps that shouldn't be taken isn't something anyone is going to argue with, and that degrees or styles of intervention are debated is true, but where are the total non-interventionists? Where this supposed absolute free market, where is the examples of truly free markets absent of tariffs or subsidy that prove the rhetoric?