[quote=@Natty] ANAD hasn't been too bad so far. From what I've read anyway. There's been some decisions I haven't been too keen on, such as this new Cap issue ofc, as well as whatever's going on with Peter Parker/Spider-Man right now. Truth be told I haven't read much of the new Amazing Spider-Man, but the premise doesn't really seem all too Spider-Man to me if that makes sense? Might just be because I haven't read much of it though! [/quote] As my first PC in this game alludes to, I'm a huge Spider-Man fan. Let's just say that after "Renew Your Vows", I stopped picking up the ASM titles. There's a reason why I'm writing Spider-Man here. :hehe [quote=@The Kid Lantern] Miles for some reason has a taser stun as well of some sort, was that in the comics somewhere? ~KL~ [/quote] Yes, he has his venom stingers. I have not read much Miles, but this ability is clearly displayed in the Spider-Men crossover (616/Ultimate).