Not needing Scarlet’s order, the twins followed Marianne’s lead. Soren cast a quick glance to the bubblespiders. “Now [i]those[/i] would make an interesting pet if you train them up right!” he said, grinning. Nikolai just gave an irritated sigh. His gaze lingered on a few black feathers as they passed, his eyes narrowing as he spotted a raven watching the group as they went by. [i]Keep an eye open,[/i] Nikolai warned as they emerged into the room with the others. At least they had numbers on their side… though, he still did not know what each of them had done to land themselves in that place, or if any of them worked for the Collector. Unpredictable variables in an already unpredictable, dangerous mansion. “You worry too much.” Soren released the boy and scanned the rather cozy reading room. Cozy, save for the platinum-haired girl tethered to the wall. “I swear. This place just keeps getting more and more interesting!” He glanced to the boy as he spoke aloud. “Talking to yourself is the first sign of insanity, you know,” he said lightly. [center]* * *[/center] Faira inhaled and stepped to the side when Marianne’s voice sounded in her ear, but the woman had not moved. She eyed Marianne for a second that felt like an eternity, and gave a shake of her head. Somewhere, she knew it was true, that she could turn the bubblespiders to ash easily. And the voiceless whisper of the flames begged her to release that destructive power like it never had before. She turned as Rosaline called her name, glad for the distraction, then Walter’s, the space between them and the bubblespiders closing rapidly. Faira shook her head. “I’m not going anywhere.” She turned back to the spiders. If nothing else, she [i]would[/i] protect Rosaline. She took a deep breath. Control. Restraint. [i]You can do this,[/i] she assured herself, the excitement of the element pushing for her to use it and the emotions it fed on. Keeping one eye on the two behind her as Rosaline requested Walter’s help up the second time, Faira raised a hand in front of her. Determination and fear in her eyes, she swept her hand in front of her. Flames ignited at her fingertips and sped in a half-moon shape toward the first of the oncoming spiders. With a popping hiss, the flames turned those on the front lines to soot as Walter picked up the child, but those behind them scampered over the powdery remains, unfazed. Faira ran after Rosaline. She sent another wave of flame, its intensity uneven as she fought to keep her will stronger than it, to not give in to the exhilaration using the power brought with it, then raced into the room filled with people. With everyone inside, she slammed the door behind her and leaned her weight against it, hoping it would keep the things out. Faira gasped at the girl hanging on the wall. The girl no one had apparently yet bothered to try getting down. Was she a part of the mansion, or another victim? Faira gave a frustrated sigh. Either way, she hated seeing someone like that. And even if she [i]was[/i] apart of the house, she would be outnumbered if she tried to attack. Clinging to that reasoning, Faira glanced at Rosaline to make sure she was okay, then cautiously stepped to the trapped girl. “Are you alright?” She warily went to the girl’s side to get a better look at the chains binding one of her wrists. “Hold on.” Using the sword, she tried to pry the chain from the wall without hurting the girl, her shadow quivering at her feet at the ready in case the girl decided to try something.