"Thank you," Macy told him, visibly relaxing when he said he'd keep quiet. He asked if she had a fake I.D. to cover the change in her appearance and she smiled slightly. It was true, she did not own on gun. But some fake identification... "Don't worry about that," she said, reaching into the handbag that had been tossed onto the counter hours ago and pulling out a wallet. She plucked her driver's license from it and held the card so Brian could see it. "Say hello to Taylor Rose, Pittsburgh native." The age, height, and weight hadn't changed from her old license, but the new Pennsylvania license had a picture of Macy post Emergence, as well as a Pittsburgh address and other fake information. She also had a birth certificate and a social security card for Taylor Rose. Val had somehow procured them for her. Macy didn't know how, where or how much it had cost her sister to get these things for her, but once the package had arrived at the house Val had put her in for the first month after fleeing Miami, she had been grateful It had meant she could leave, go somewhere and start over and make a new life for herself. It wasn't much of a life that she had now, truth be told, but at least it was a life. And it beat the alternative. "So call me Taylor in public. I'm pretty much covered, except for a passport which means not international travel. Which I wasn't planning on doing anyway." Macy had pulled on some comfy boots and was looking at Tim thoughtfully. He was conscious, but only barely. She wasn't a short woman, so she could help Brian support him while they made their way to the car. "I can help you," she told him now. "But...if you think we need an extra pair of hands I've got a neighbor upstairs who can help. He's good." Kenny was good, or at least good enough for an average citizen in today's society. He had his quirks, like the rest of the people who lived in her building, but overall she knew he was a decent guy. At least compared to some people, like Mr. Jennings. But Kenny wasn't like the landlord, Macy could see it, and she was confident that would help them out without asking questions. [@HeySeuss]