[@KabenSaal] It took BlackRabbit a while to respond, he tried to pull himself together but he couldn't help it but answer with a short laugh. He didn't reckon with such an response from the foxgirl, but Nenatalevs words definitely encouraged him. [color=#4E78A0]"Thank you for your kind words, they certainly made me feel better. It would be really great if we could do that, but even so we would lack enough members to form it in the first place don't we? However I am-"[/color] he stopped mid-sentence and cleared his throat before he continued to correct his mistake [color=#4E78A0]"Sorry, what I wanted to say is. Black Rabbit is glad that he met you. As for a Shiroyasha player, maybe there is one, but Black Rabbit can't say for sure and if so he hopes that this player won't grow as attached to Black Rabbit as the actual Shiroyasha did."[/color] It felt weird to talk about yourself in third person again, but it was nothing he couldn't get used to. [color=#4E78A0]"Ah yes! Before Black Rabbit forgets it, do you know if there is someone in this town who could repair his weapon? Black Rabbit kiiiiinda went overboard in the last bossfight he participated in..."[/color]