There was no time. The quakes did not lessen, much less cease. Almost nothing remained standing from the formations anymore, but the forces the otherworldly artefact put in motion did not stop there. The very walls of the massive cavern started cracking with ear-shattering loudness, threatening with certain doom for any who linger too long. The Apple was rolling right into the depths of this madness and Luciano, breaking away from its ever-present allure once more, had to realise retrieving it was a lost cause. “It's gone...” he said to Emerico, who was still on the ground. “Only our lives remain to be saved now. But not for long if we don't hurry!” “No...” The apprentice's gaze was unnaturally fixed to the Piece still. “We must...have it...” He got up on his feet slowly and started slogging towards it, ignoring all the fatal dangers in his way. “What are you doing, [i]idiota?![/i]” Luciano made his way towards Emerico and grabbed him firmly on the shoulder. He resisted, trying to break away from the Templar's grasp, but then suddenly the ground split under the Apple and took it down to a rocky grave. “We leave. This is an order.” Emerico was petrified for a moment before acknowledging the words with a silent nod. The two sprinted towards the exit, almost side-by-side with the Assassins who, for the first time, held a common goal with them. With mere seconds to spare before a giant falling boulder, followed by a sea of stone as the entire wall levelled, blocked the gate away, all four of them made it back into the catacombs. Yet, nothing changed on the fact that the sanctuary of the Piece of Eden...was permanently destroyed. Luciano reclined on the nearest wall, hand on his chest and desperately trying to catch his breath. Emerico was even worse off as once the rush of impulses ran out, his legs gave in and he fell on one knee, holding himself with his remaining strength. None of this was usual for the able-bodied and strong apprentice, who felt like his energy was sapped away all at once. “The instinct for truly the greatest...” he uttered. Luciano had many questions to Emerico, but before anything, his attention was focused on the two Assassins who stopped just a few metres farther. He laid his free hand on one of his swords. He expected at least one of them to come leaping forward to finish them off now that they were the most vulnerable. Archenemies since the dawn of humanity, surely a pair of Assassins would exploit the weakness of a pair of Templars if they were capable to do so? But neither of them came. Luciano heard the woman speak, her words echoing through the chambers. Was it about them or her companion, he could not know. All he knew was that someone somehow needed to resolve the situation. And if they would was up to him. “Can you walk?” he asked Emerico, who was starting to look slightly better. “Yes, I think...ugh.” He took his mentor's hand and rose up. Luciano unsheathed both swords now and beckoned Emerico, who also drew his weapon, to follow. They walked up to the Assassins. “There is an easy way and a hard way out of this,” Luciano began. He saw that their condition was just as sorry as theirs. Yet, he knew better not to rush a trained Assassin head on, no matter how weak they seemed. It was time for a compromise. “All four of us have our lives to barter with...and we are willing to negotiate. Put your weapons away and share what you can bring to the trade. Or rise against us...and let us end this for good.”