[hider=Jace Fisher] [center][img]http://static.zerochan.net/Zacharias.Smith.full.1339680.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=ed1c24]"I will live my life how I want. If no one agrees with it, then they can get over it, because I will never give up my life and how it is currently."[/color][/center] [color=ed1c24]Name:[/color] Jaera "Jace" Fisher [color=ed1c24]Age:[/color] Twenty two years of age. [color=ed1c24]Titles:[/color] [i]Squire[/i] [color=ed1c24]Origin:[/color] outskirts of Caerleon [color=ed1c24]Allegiance:[/color] House Ralei [color=ed1c24]Family:[/color] [hider=Family] Saren Fisher - Father Cliera Fisher - Mother [i]Clara - Sister[/i] [/hider] [color=ed1c24]Personality:[/color] A loyal member of the knights, Jace is a rather straightforward individual. Jace prefers actions to words and would rather get something done than hear nobles squabble over it for hours at a time. Jace's bluntness often results in trouble, even if that bluntness comes from a kind place. Jace trains often, preferring to hone her skills of the blade in order to fufill her dream of being in the Kingsguard one day. She also recognizes that what she's doing could get her killed, if not on the battlefield then by a noble insulted by her lies. She simply doesn't seem to care, as long as she is able to do what she loves. She is actually very polite spoken when in formal settings, still blunt, but often eased with many pleases and thank yous. Around people she knows fairly well, her more rural accent comes out and her words tend to slur together. Often times, when she speaks with her accent, people ask her to repeat things they didn't understand the first time. [color=ed1c24]Background:[/color] Born on the outskirts of Caerleon, she was raised by two farmers. "Jaera", or Jace, was content to remain with her family. Until she saw a knight in action when she was five years old. She followed the knight around whenever they arrived in town, and when she was six she managed to scrape up the courage to talk to him. She told him that she wanted to be a knight too, and was told by the knight that girls can't be knights. They're too afraid of blood and weak. This of course, had the opposite effect on young Jace. She'd been mistaken for a boy before, when she had decided to childishly cut all of her hair off, so why couldn't she try and see how far that lie could be taken? She cut her hair off and tried to enter a tourney, but the knight she'd previously admired caught her. He insisted that she couldn't be a knight, and she kept trying to be one anyway. Eventually, he relented and trained her some, hoping that she'd grow tired of the training to become a knight quickly and decide to settle down with a family of her own and his tasks he required her to do were increasingly pointless and effort intensive. However, her skills with a sword grew by leaps and bounds and he reluctantly admitted that he would help her become a squire, because the House needed good swordsmen on their side. Thus, Jace became a page to the house through the sponsor of the knight, and has trained rigorously to become a knight while balancing cleaning and taking care of her rude knight's armor. After she became a squire, she redoubled her efforts to become a knight, now closer than ever to her goal. She hopes to become a knight after the tourney, which would set her ahead of her plan by a large margin, and make her that much closer to becoming a Kingsguard. [/hider] *jazz hands*