"I'm sure we can keep pa- Before Travis could even complete his remark towards Raiya's jibing gesture, Nemo's female counterpart suddenly casted what appeared to be a speed or acceleration spell of some sorts as electricity sprung forth from her blue-enveloping aura before vanishing off a split second later. A trail of cloudy dust and dirt soon filled the, air illustrating her path to their objective. Travis and perhaps some of his teammate still gazed at the scene trying to make sense of the unexpected turn of events. "...she does know none of us can't do that, right?" Travis said aloud with contempt, feeling that they had practically been bailed on. However deep in the recesses of his calculating mind, he brainstormed on the side how to re-produce Raiya's now demonstrated and helpful-proved spell to personal use. A moment later, Jessie had summoned a wyvern as an aerial mount; [i]fascinating[/i]! She soon took off as well towards their destination too but at the very least expressed her condolences to the remaining members of the troubling situation. But just as unexpected as Raiya's selfish departure, Nemo had then broken down, as if overcome by the events that had transpired. Given his calm and "friendly" attitude for a wanted man, Travis was rather taken back by the display of such sorrow. Then again, he didn't know if that was also over-played sarcasm either. Eventually however, Yuno calmly addressed the issue and developed a teleportation circle around her and after "motivating" Nemo, she prompted their leader in order to make contact with Jessie to assist with pinpointing her location so the teleportation circle could transit them there accordingly. "Excellent proposal Yuno!" praised Travis as he took position in the circle as instructed, eagerly awaiting Nemo to touch base with their allies. While appearing outstaged, given his own understanding of the same rune to, admittedly, the moment had gotten to him as well.