The burly Dwarf used a trunk-thick arm to move the tent flap out of his way, grumbling and still nursing a hangover from the night before. Garlenn cleared his throat and hocked a big hunk of something onto the dirt, almost hitting a Tevinter woman's foot. He didn't seem to notice, anyway. The press of refugees were packed tighter than an Elf's ass, but they moved out of his way once his hefted his huge Axe. Armored and heavy as an anvil, the Warrior waded through the masses, pushing aside anything dumb enough or unwary enough to get the way of this avalanche of a Dwarf. He'd been in Tevinter before, hired to quell a small Qunari incursion, supposedly a forward camp to make a foothold on mainland soil. That didn't end well for them, Garlenn remembered. Of course, his next assignment in Tevinter had some of it's own people getting sliced to ribbons by the Dwarf. Didn't matter, really. They'd both been well paid jobs, and good fights. He wouldn't complain. This however, was different. Garlenn would truly have fun with this job. Darkspawn filth was something he particularly enjoyed killing, and there seemed to be no end to them in sight. Selfishly, he was glad for this new blight. Gave him plenty of stuff to do and lots of anger to mete out on those hellish bastards. He chuckled at the thought of what was to come as he made his way out of the refugee camp and up the hill towards Mirianne d'Fleur's tent. Some flowery ass name, that was. From what he'd heard she didn't live up to it. He'd just have to see for himself. Before long he found himself heading straight for four curious figures. An Elf, a Man, a Woman Knight, and a Tevinter. They were all ugly. Then again, that must have been the hangover keeping his mood down. Either way, he didn't care past his initial impression. As long as he got a job. “[b]But who's the weirdly nice on the eyes knight? Or did you steal daddy's armour and decide to go on an adventure? Nope, not that. I can see you separating me from my limbs in your eyes. You really are a knight! Damn, and I thought I was a bad ass youth.[/b]" he heard the man say. The Dwarf spoke up as he made to their little 'circle.' "Talkin' like ye got nothing to lose, eh? Suren if the lady cuts yer stones off ye'll be right talkative then."