[@Xandrya] The opening ceremony was amazing! Kain had heard so much great things about it and been anxiously waiting almost a whole year to see it first hand for himself. Too bad he missed it... While at the academy the air filled with exploding magic, fire breathers and flying teachers the only thing above Kain's head were his blankets and a roof. The echoing buzz of his alarm screamed loudly at him for the third time now, finally successful he opened his eyes and yawned. [h2]'bzz[b][/b]ZAPH!'[/h2] Kain literally blew his blanket and bed apart and before the charred feathered snow fakes could even float down to the floor he had flung on his coat and was doing up his boot laces. A second later and his feet heavily pounded across the green grass field between his housing and the main hall. LATE! He was bloody late! And for his first day! This only made him run harder. Despite his misfortune he still wore a wide eager grin. Just another challenge on his road to greatness. Kain was skidding down a hall heading towards the droning applause of excited cheers when he shot past a young girl sitting on the floor, against the wall, all on her own. Her unique hazel-ish eyes filled with sad news. Kain came to a screeching halt as he brought all his wild charging momentum to a sudden stop and doubled back to stand before the young girl. He caught her just as she put her phone away. Without saying anything he held out a welcoming hand to help her up and offered a simple smile. He was so close! He knew everyone, including his teachers, were just around the corner. He looked toward the hall and then back to the girl. "[i][color=lightblue]Theres gonna be hundreds more days of classes, no need to rush. You, you're quite young aren't you? Most people are so busy looking forward we forget what we're leaving behind... Everything alright at home? [/color][/i]" Kain had positioned himself against the opposing wall, getting comfortable, showing he was in no rush. His kind gesture was equal parts compassion and arrogance. He decided that he could afford to skip a few classes if he so desired.