[h1]Lost Woods[/h1] "Sire? Are you aware of what is going on my lord? The Conqueror and his hordes have been pillaging all of the lands. Lord Godwin has marshaled all of the knights of radiance to try and hold them at the border. Men from all over are being conscripted to defend the cities and large towns while the lords are away. No one can be spared to defend the villages or uproot the bandits. Until the war changes we are on our own my lord. Dozens of our noble knights have already given their lives." *** The bandits camp had once been a small logging camp before the lumberjacks had been conscripted. Nature would have reclaimed the log cabins if the bandits hadn't. The band was rather large and was busy trying to get fortified in case of attack. 8 men were hammering log poles into the earth to try and create a crude gate surrounding the encampment. Their were no tents set up so it was clear they hadn't filled up all of the cabins or quartermasters office. Three men with bows were watching the tree line in case of danger. Two with wicked looking lumber axes stood watch outside of the camps inn, which seemed to be the best shape of all the buildings. After a moment of observation, a disturbance occurred at the road leading to the entrance of the camp. Two riders drive through camp ropes tied to the saddle were dragging a armored knight behind them. Three more men emerged from the inn and dragged the knight inside, it was unclear if he was alive. [@Turbowraith]