[color=ff6666][sub][u] [b]B Y T H E R I V E R[/b] [/u][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][i]Water bodies, man ...[/i][/indent][/indent] As MisterListerTheSisterFister merrily made his way along the streamside, picking up yet another lump of nature bullet, he would see a body of a man in tattered, dark robes and black dreadlocks, dark skin, and a very traumatised expression floating towards him. Well, I did mention the direction of the river was counter-norm. His eyes, bulged, looked into Lister's accusingly as his body snagged to the edge of the river, a cattail bush in the way. Above the dead man's forehead was a glowing tag that read: FusionC. Looks like someone didn't make it very far. [hr][hr] [sub][b]MisterListerTheSisterFister[/b] now has a rugged rock (3), and a smooth rock (2).[/sub]