The Mindskitter was, once again, surprised by the new species's reaction(s). Amheurst didn't interpret the abomination's gestures as peace more than he saw it as a "hesitation of murder" or "mistaken conduct". Yet, the pale man waved in greetings, a pleasant development (and perhaps apology for damages). Gish... floundered a bit in her efforts. At least she found it unnecessary to [b]actually[/b] arm herself in this situation. Proceeding with it's greetings, the Mindskitter took one of it's physical fore arms and impressed it into the dirt surrounding the non fire, it detailing a clear message. Writing the word "harm" into the soil, the beast quickly crossed out such grammar with the same tentacle. Perhaps this correspondence would make the Mindskitter's motives much more clear. Yet, now approached the risky stage. It formed a third phantom tendril, and extended each growth to each respective member of the party, the same peaceful 'palms upwards' motion upon each. Driving it's second fore tentacle into the dirt, the Mindskitter quickly wrote a more instructional message; [center][i]"Speak with me"[/i][/center] It made sure to draw this literature close to that of which was crossed out, a method it hoped to use to remind them "I will speak with you peacefully". It did not enjoy using these terrain enscriptions, and tried to keep them as short as possible (the Mindskitter's knowledge and creation deserved a cleaner surface). Sadly, such was unavoidable. It prepared a message for those who grappled it's tentacles; [color=a187be][i]"I am the Mindskitter, the beast of knowledge, what do you wish to ask of me?"[/i][/color]