The faint echo of distant voices mixed with the ambience of the cave as Luciel trekked down into the darkness, cascading glints of light from the sun behind him shown in brilliant untamed metals within the cave walls. It was more than enough for them to find their way, though the sounds worried him to a considerable degree. Hoisting up the tatters of the tapestry cloak as not to trip, Luciel drew his sword with his other hand. Under the fabric, the blade could offer little more than a surprise stab if need be, and the plan of where to go from there wasn't entirely thought out. However, with the fading aid of the sun's whispers across the walls, the bright amber hue of a fire now took its place. Peering from around the corner, a group of maybe five figures stood around the telltale fire Luciel had expected. Their various sizes and shapes worked a cautious curiousness from him, though he merely watched. With a shout from an armored man, their attention turned to a peculiar creature floating from the vines to address them. The chimera took advantage of this moment to ease out from where he hid, sweeping across the opening passageway leading to the entrance of the cave like a shadow. Into the opening of the room, he quickly realized there was little cover within reach. Almost frozen from the shock of this realization, he contemplated retreating back to the corner before his body instinctively dropped to the floor with a dull click of his boots across stone. [color=8882be][i]"T'szeem...leear..."[/i][/color] he whispered, the tapestry settling over him and assuming his motionlessness which meshed with the uneven rocky floor to become little more than part of the shadowy scenery. What was a sound and a whisper, soft like the wind, became nothing but nondescript shadows and the faintest glint of steel from the tip of the shortsword catching the faint reflection of the fire's light in the way a dull gem might. Luciel did his best to steady his breathing, muffled by the thick fabric while he watched the creature, which invoked familiar feelings of wonder, begin odd motions as if to converse with the group. Darkly, Luciel wondered what kind of stuff the group had on them, and if he'd get a chance to pick through their remains if diplomacy with the beast ended with bloodshed.