[center][h3]Robin of Locksley[/h3][/center] [b]Age: [/b] 10 [b]Eye Color: [/b] Blue [b]Hair Color: [/b] Dirty Blonde (currently shaved) [b]Height: [/b] 4 Ft. [b]Weight: [/b] 56 Lbs [b]Physique: [/b] Slim with some muscle definition. [b]Complexion: [/b] White with a slight tan. [b]Immunities: [/b] [b]Weaknesses: [/b] Brash and quick to action. Robin has the tendency to leap before he looks. [b]Titles & Feats[/b]: [b]Basic Personality[/b]: Robin is kind hearted and gentle to most, though he is arrogant and stubborn. He tends to say what is on his mind and usually does so without thinking. [b]Psychological/Social Issues[/b]: Robin will never turn down a challenge if there is a chance of him winning. He also doesn't always think before he acts. [b]Appearance[/b]: Robin is average height, but pretty slim with some muscle definition. He has bright blue eyes and what seems like a permanent half smile on his face. Across his shoulders and back are riddled with scars from having been whipped. [b]Natural Abilities[/b]: [list]Keen eyesight- Can see details better at twice the average vision range Low light vision- able to see in areas of low light better than the average person[/list] [b]Power[/b]: Uncanny Marksmanship- Robin is almost always able to hit his mark, given a moment for adjustments and that the target doesn't erratically change course as his shoots. In his own words, "If I can see it, I can hit it." The largest limitations to this is the range of his weapon and if his target is unpredictable. [b]Companion[/b]: A Bluejay that he named John [b]Relations:[/b] None as of yet