Echo was relieved to see the creature not making any more moves for the three of them. It did instead extend one of it's physical tentacles out and began to write in the ground. It seemed it couldn't talk either. It wasn't really odd that something of this particular shape didn't have a tongue or vocal chords, at least in the human sense. It wrote the word harm in the ground which almost brought up a red flag for him, but when it immediately crossed it out, the opposite happened instead. Echo began to feel more calm around the thing now. He could tell that the line through the word was intentional to mean the opposite. It now formed a third phantom tendril and extended it upwards like the others. Each tendril was reached out to one or another of the party. He still watched carefully as it wrote it's next message trying to see if there were any other underlying messages. It was written close to the first message, despite the available space, and he wondered if there was supposed to be a correlation. When it finished it was quite clear that it could speak through it's tendrils, but he was a little unsure whether to fully trust it or not. He decided to not care and give it a chance. He had been living without his memories quite fine and if the creature was to eat them, then he wouldn't even know what he was missing. He reached his hand out and grabbed onto the phantom tendril. Immediately words rushed to him. It was like he was hearing them, but he know no real sounds were being made. He didn't feel any other sensations at the moment so he felt like the mindskitter was actually just communicating now. He wasn't sure if it could hear his thoughts, but as clearly as he could picture the words in his mind he thought, [i]"Hello, I am Echo. I am unfortunately mute and unable to physically speak. If you can hear this then please respond."[/i] Echo was beginning to hope that the mindskitter could hear him. The opportunity to express a deeper message through speech was something he had not had for quite a while. Perhaps this beast of knowledge could be a godsend instead.