[CEnter][H1][B][Color=Silver]B R E N I N[/Color][/b][/H1][/Center] [COLOR=Silver][B]ᒪ ᗩ ᖇ I ᔕ ᔕ ᗩ [/B][/COLOR] [INDENT][I][B][sup][COLOR=SILVER]May 2016 - Two days after the eplosion[/COLOR][/sup][/B][/I] Kalvin had straggled himself home after his little biking accident. His motorcycle was totaled, and so was the railing he had run into, yet, he was unharmed. Not one had he crashed, but he had fallen over 30 meters, head first. Yet, there was not even a scratch on him. It made no sense, and the young man had going over the events of that night be countless times in his head. Laying on the couch he held the pillow under his arm as he looked for the remote. He had been sleeping most of yesterday, chalking it up to a bad hangover, and was only now coming too. It wasn't his apartment, but the apartment of his best friend - Jacob Jordan. Kalvin had been in a fight with his step father and as such has to get out of the house, or get his ass beaten. Of course, he had gotten used to it by now, but it upset his mother something terribly whenever he and his step father, Arthur would get into a fight. Fists would be thrown and threats would be made. It was all too messy. It was easier to hide out here, on a run down coach without any bed sheets, laying with a blanket that has gone far too long since it was washed. He needed to find himself a girlfriend, or better yet his own place. But that sure wasn't easy for someone with his.. [i]Skills[/i]. Jacob walked into the room, interrupting his friend's thoughts, tossing a can of energy drink at the young man. "Ay, Dude, get up, it's three o'clock." Jacob exclaimed, Kal grunting. "The hell you doing up now then?" The other young man grinned. "Please, I haven't gone to bed yet. Daddy's got work to do. Why do you think I'm drinking this?" He said, holding up a ceramic cup in his hand - the cup had the recently redesigned logo of the latest reboot of the movie franchise starring the once upon a time Champions of Larissa. Kalvin grinned, opening the can of energy drink he had been given, taking a few gulps before looking at Jacob again. "I thought these things did nothing for you anymore?" He asked and Jacob laughed. "Who said I was drinking Energizer? This is Triple Espresso and half Energizer MAX. Pretty sure this could power a nuclear reactor." Kalvin chuckled "Speaking of which, have you seen the news?" Jacob asked, Kalvin finding the remote tried to put the TV on, much to their dismay, the screen remained dark. Jacob scoffed. "Right, power's still out. Anyway, we got Chernobyl'd a couple of nights ago. The Michael's plant blew up." He said, all matter of fact-y, and Kalvin raised his eyebrows and sat up in the sofa, looking for his shirt. "What you mean blew up? Shouldn't we all be you know, dead, then?" And Jacob shook his head. "Apparently not, the radiation was sealed, only some form of an EMP was let out, knocking out most of the electricity in town. People are saying it was Mr.Michaels himself that did it. Manually, like, inside of the reactor, that's a man who's dedicated to his job." Kalvin grinned, he knew what Jacob was gonna say next. "Man's a hero.", slurping his drink. Kalvin shuddered. "You're just trying to vex me." his best friend for over a decade knew just how much Kalvin despised the H-word, and he loved teasing him about it. It was part of the reason all of his coffee cups were Mavericks-Merchandise, Jacob himself thought they were B-Movies, and it was a shame that they were dominating Hollywood these days. But he had once found Kalvin's old box of stuff and had committed to the bit back when they were 16. "Speaking of heroes, you wanna go and check out the set for the new Movie? I heard they're gonna call it 'Mavericks; Cataclysm'. I read on Creddit that it's apparently about the end of the world. Who would've guessed, way to raise the stakes." Jacob joked as Kalvin got dressed. Jacob wearing his bathrobe ontop of his jeans and T-shirt, like he usually did in the 'mornings.' "Then again, can't be worse than the last one. 'The Mavericks; Valiant Heroics'. Bring back Rise Of Titans from the early 2000's, that was a good movie, and with such a twist!" Jacob spieled as Kalvin was ignoring him, letting out Mhm's here and there. "I mean, mind controlling Angel, making him work for the bad guys and attack the team from the inside? Seemingly killing Illadvised, only for Illadvised to come back in a big robotic suit, Wyrda and Feral kicking Angel's ass back to his senses and the four repelling the evil forces that was threatening their base of operations, and the entire city? Damn, that was a good movie, masterpiece of our time!" Jacob's speech ended, gleeful sarcasm in his words, him overacting a sense of wonder when he talked about the movies. Kalvin looked at him and growled, picking up his jeans from the floor and tossing them onto his underarm. "You done fanboying?" He asked with a smirk and Jacob nodded sheepishly. "You know it." Kalvin scoffed, heading into the bathroom to take a shower. "Hey, Kal, watch out, water's irradiated!" Jacob shouted after him, giggling to himself, slurping from the cup loudly. Ten minutes later, Kalvin came out wearing a Tank-Top, his torn jeans and unmatching socks. Jacob still leaned against the doorpost, his phone in one hand and his cup in the other. Snapping a quick photo, he chuckled. "Going right on Instaframe." Kalvin flipped him off, heading to his 'wardrobe' the pile of clothes on the floor behind the sofa. Picking out a long sleeved shirt with three buttons over the collar bone, he put it on, heading for his shoes, the leather high-tops got laced up quickly as he hunched down before reaching for the door. "I'm gonna go scope out the city." Kalvin said to Jacob whom nodded. "Get supplies, see if I can avoid any zombies, might buy some beer or talk with a pretty girl, we'll see." Kalvin said with a brief chuckle and the other male nodded once more. "Uh-huh, blades n blunts don't need reloading. Try not to be out till it's too late. I've got business to attend to tonight, I could use you." Kalvin nodded in affirmation. "Yeah, I'll be home before bed time." Jacob scoffed. "Good, be safe. Love you." He said, nonchalantly looking at his phone, slurping the last of the liquid inside of his cup. Kalvin chuckled. "You too." Matching his friend's sarcasm. Now, he had to go out and brave the [i]post apocalyptic wasteland[/i] that was four o'clock Larissa, probably filled with looters enjoying their newly won 'freedom' from security cameras. [/indent]