Halting her steady stride, Camila del Rosario Garcia noticed that the other girls were proceeding to follow her. She stopped in her tracks as she stretched her arms upwards and took note of the chat. A few strands of her hair shifted upon Camila's head. Her eyes focused to these misplaced follicles and began blowing on them. However, the breath was not enough to move them back into place so Camila del Rosario used her right hand to push them back into position. With a few blinks Camila redirected her attention to Kagami. "Huh." Camila began scratching at the back of her head as the left corner of her lips twitched. "Oh yeah." She pulled her hand back in front of her and snapped her fingers. "Names! Good to know." Camila smiled as she began scratching at the back of her head. "Uh hhrm." She stared blankly at the Asian girl for a moment before giving a half-hearted chuckle. [i]"Which[/i] part do I er, I use?" Shaking her head, Camila placed her left hand in front of her as she suppressed a cough. "I don't say it fully all the time right? What's the first name, or is that all the first name?" She then thumbed towards herself. "As for me, I am Camila del Rosario Garcia. By the by Camila del Rosario is the full first name for me, but I usually just use Camila." With a nod she addressed the next matter Kagami brought up. "Oh that? Yeah that was totes a deal with the devil thingy." Camila said with a nod. Finishing that thought she turned her attention between Winnie and Shakti. "Oh yeah, when the Rudo comes for their payment on that..." With a proud smirk she curled her right hand into a fist and shot it up. "You can count on me to help stop them!" And that is when she realized that there was another girl not properly with them. Camila tilted her head to the left, "Finished whaaaaaaAA-" She paused in aghast as she noticed in the distance the Russian engaged against the rudos that [i]were already fleeing in fear![/i] Camila quickly puffed out her lower lip and placed her hands on her hips. Narrowing her eyes and scowling, Camila del Rosario Garcia leaned forward and started to yell. "THAT [b]ISN'T HEROIC!![/b]" Flailing her hands upwards Camila continued, "Just let them go! Wait until some others try to start something, which you know they will! PLUS WE STILL NEED TO FIND THOSE FIVE!" Bringing her arms down she crossed them under her chest and grumbled. "But yeah, I don't plan on leaving anyone behind. That isn't technico behavior either."