[h3]Hisaki Kawaguchi[/h3] [color=steelblue]"Huh? It's stopped...? What's it...?"[/color], as Hisaki continued to observe from a hidden spot, he learned that this machine was only here to peek on whoever was in the camp. He sighed, why was he so worried, actually, who was using a machine like this to look at girls anyway? Whoever it was he felt like he should punch them for how silly this was. If they wanted to spy on girls, they should use something more discrete, like a bird instead. Still he flipped the knife in his hand as he began to move closer, there's got to be a way to turn it off somehow, normally these things have integral wiring or someplace where their circuitry is easier to reach... Usually it was in the back of it's head. He should probably stop this thing then head the direction it came from. He can worry about food later, certain things come out at night too after all. He stepped silently as he observed the back of the Mosca, he needed something to give him the opportunity to disable it quickly and efficiently.