[hider=The Strongest Berserker][b]Name:[/b] El [b]Race:[/b] Fairy [b]Appearance:[/b] El is approximately 5 and a quarter inches tall, and weighs in at less than a pound. She has a set of carefully maintained, insect-like wings on her back, which are clear, but faintly pale in colour. Her hair is a rich, golden blonde, and is typically worn short so as not to get in the way of flying. Naturally, her figure is that of a child's, meaning she has no breasts or hips to speak of. Additionally, she doesn't have much in the way of clothing, wearing mostly a few scraps of brownish cloth when she can find it. With so little body to work with, it is quite hard for a fairy to express their individuality through their appearance. For this purpose, El wears a tiny scrap of red cloth around her wrist. How very fashionable of her. [i]Inventory: N/A (Fairies can't hold items)[/i] [b]Special Abilities:[/b] [u][i]Fairy Physiology:[/i][/u] All qualities inherent to members of the Fairy race are conferred. Includes Innate Flight, Darkvision, and Air Sense (The ability to sense nearby movements in the air, useful for navigating while flying at high speeds.) She also has more natural magical power than the regular suite of mortal races, due to being of an innately magical species. Unfortunately, this also means she's really a Fairy, and thus suffers all negative implications of that definition. Like not being able to carry items. And dying in one hit. She's just lucky her species isn't ACTUALLY deathly allergic to iron, although they can't handle air pollution of most kinds, so that isn't much better. [u][i]Enhanced Flight:[/i][/u] A trained skill that relies more on Magic than pure physical flight, enhanced flight consumes magical energy in exchange for enhancing one's flight speed vastly. As hard as it is to hit fairies most of the time, this only serves to make them even harder to hit. Can be used to initiate near instant stops or accelerations, similarly to a miniature boost. [u][i]Berserk:[/i][/u] The power to tap into and enhance the raw power of one's anger, throwing them into a fearsome battle rage. As comical as this sounds coming from a Fairy, as the effect on her physical strength is negligible, El seems to channel this power into increasing her battle awareness and allowing her to fight on nothing but vicious instinct. [hider=Magic][u][i]Levitate:[/i][/u] A spell for causing an object to hover or fly, and to manipulate its trajectory, spin and velocity through the application of magical power and a strong connection to the user's mind. Places a certain burden on the caster based on the relative mass of the object being levitated, but the burden is magical, and thus has a toll on their mind rather than their body. A very versatile skill, and one that reacts to the caster's thoughts rather than solely manual control.[/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] El, much like a vast majority of her race, is most often restless, deathly annoying and inquisitive as all hell. Her naturally curious and mischievous nature means she can't leave people alone, even if they ask nicely or swing swords at her. Fortunately, she can be distracted with a humble offering of shiny objects or food, which will bring out her childish naivety and inherent friendlyness like nothing else. She is, however, a bit of an oddball among her species. The darkness in her heart is as strong as, if not stronger, than most of the "big people" out there. Her mind is wired for war, she doesn't rest well, and has trouble getting along with others for long periods of time. She has a temper, and sometimes, she just snaps. Hates people who run away from a fight. Loves sweet things, and alcohol (even though she's quite young). [b]History:[/b] El has no idea what reason she could have possibly had for becoming the person she is now. The only thing that can be said is that, whatever in this world can do this to a Fairy, of all creatures, that force is not good. There is a smell of blood on her, one that hints to a great many battles.[/hider] I'm sorry Hawlin, but I think I win the smallest character title.