Tr’ann Dasheer was hearing it too, the blasterfire, the screaming and with an annoyed look at Jacque’s question he started speaking into his arm communicator. [i]“Team, status re-“[/i] He started uttering into the communicator of his arm when a reply was already voiced: [i]"If that is all you have, I suggest giving up."[/i] Sheer astonishment showed on the Chagrians face as he saw Kruss make for a room and take cover. Tr’ann instinctively followed the Neimodian with his blaster carbine, but halted it on Jacques chest as the door behind Kruss shut. [i] “You. You are in on this, On your knees!”[/i] He held his carbine in one hand, the strap holding up the barrel while his finger was on the trigger, his other hand went back to his mouth to speak: [i]“Dasheer to station, meeting resistance get those reinforcements running!” [/i] He was already nervously pacing back in order to gain a position that would better cover his back. As Stormtrooper boots could be heard vaguely picking up pace in the boarding tunnel. In the meanwhile the only 2 remaining inspectors where taking up position in the hallway near the cargo bay, comms had just gone cold from their colleagues there and they were nervously pointing their weapons in that general direction, taking cover behind a corner. Fixer had a perfect angle on it all from where he was standing. [i] “Throw your weapon down! We have the exit covered!” [/i] The somewhat more certain one called down the hallway while the other had taken a crouching position. They got the same answer as their boss over the comm: [i]"If that is all you have, I suggest giving up."[/i]