[center][h3][color=a0410d]Ryuji Tachibana - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9mDv-Z1_rI]8 AM[/url][/color][/h3][/center] A tall man was stirring in his sleep, his eyes were trying their best to stay shut so he wouldn't have to go though the pains of waking up. But to no avail he couldn't stay asleep instead he slowly raised his upper body off the surface he was laying on, it was the cold hard ground not the bed he has expected. Ryuji let out a quick yawn and tried to wipe away the sleep out of his tired eyes after a moment he realized that a voice has been speaking the moment he awoken. At first the squeaky voice was charming but the subject matter the Monochromatic teddy bear was saying was quite grim and dark, Grimdark. But the moment the Bear's words started to sink Ryuji gave a look of horror as he listened more and more to the Bear's explanation of the group, who he didn't even notice, situation. It was official, he was freaking out. Once the bear finished and left the room, Ryuji looked at the rest of the group and hope that one of them will reveal that this was simply a mean spirited prank on the new students and that their horror would be viral. But it never happen instead confusion washed over the group like a violent storm, and in Ryuji's case terror. Ryuji checked out a student who started to dig into his pocket and confirmed that the card like things were true, for that guy anyways. Ryuji quickly followed suit and pulled out his own Student ID, which has all his information on it even stuff he didn't know himself. Ryuji raised himself off the ground to finally stand up and lift the ID to his eyes and then studied over the rest of the students. For the first time in maybe his whole life Ryuji talked first. [color=a0410d]"So... oh...Um... uh... W-what should we do? S-should we i-introduce ourselves...? I m-mean i-if we know each others names it would be harder to...to...y-you know?" [/color] Ryuji spoke very softly, which was still louder then he normally spoke so he was both embarrassed and proud of himself but then he started to trail over his words at the end as he was still getting over the idea of killing another person his own age. Ryuji fidgeted around waiting for responses. [center][h3][color=f6989d]Maya Malik - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1LIsrFdEuU]It's Raining Somewhere Else[/url][/color] [/h3][/center] This whole thing was illogical. This whole things was for lack of a better word insane and silly. What the mastermind of this whole facade gets out of their mindless tomfoolery she didn't know, but no matter the answer she would never approve of such brutish tactics and trickery. Maya was the first to awaken and was the most clear minded hearing the whole exchange of knowledge of this so called, Monokuma, and the students. It seemed utterly crazy that somebody would endorse such a needlessly cruel game with the lives of others. But maybe the reason why isn't important, not right now as it were. But how to keep the wheel spinning perfectly so nobody will think to kill another person in cold blood in the hopes of freedom, and maybe she can use her knowledge of buildings to find a way out without playing this Monokuma's game. But first she would like to know the other people's names for clarity sake as they might spend the rest of their lives together no matter how short it might end being. Luckily for Maya somebody started to talk, so she didn't need to, she was never good at starting conversations. Even if the young man was stuttering fool, who could barely form a sentence without stumbling over his words. it was driving her insane. But he brings up a good point, so she better respond as add her own two cents into the ordeal. [color=f6989d]"Yes, yes, we know about the circumstances we find ourselves in, either stay here and rot or kill or be killed, no matter the choice it's beyond the realm of sanity and reason, as well as utterly pointless and cruel. But you bring up a good point, we should introduce ourselves if only to know each others names for formality sake. I am Maya Malik, the Ultimate Engineer." [/color]