Time seemed to be at a standstill as the only ally Gavon could now count on was patience. The comm crackled on once again, directing [i]Enforcer One[/i] to move up past the Milano and standby for the completion of their inspection. Keeping tabs on the ship’s lifesigns became futile, as the Station’s jamming efforts kept away any further scanning attempts. E-V slowly maneuvered the ship toward the checkpoint marked on their navigation panel, until a sudden anomaly appeared across their sensor sweep. The Agent turned to the flashing console and noticed spikes in energy patterns coming from the smuggler’s ship, focused primarily on the interior… “Well, that is no biological lifesign. Engine malfunctions, perhaps?” He raised a suspicious eyebrow, pressing a few buttons to fine tune the sweep. “E-V, hold position and continuing honing in on the energy bursts.” Gavon slid over to the communication console and opened a channel to [i]Flight Control[/i] once again. “Enforcer One to Control, there seems to be some energy distortion coming from the interior of the Milano, do you copy?” He waited for as long as he could with no response, before continuing. “Control, do you copy? There-...” A crackled reply came over the comms, their voice seemed a bit frantic and unsure. “Enforcer One, we copy, and the situation is being taken care of. S-stand by for further instructions...” “Situation? What ‘situation’?” He cut in, looking back out through the front viewport toward the target ship still docked. “Sir, it appears the station’s ion cannon is currently locked on the Milano.” The EV droid quickly interjected, as she continued monitoring the Milano’s status. “Also, several more energy signatures resembling blaster rifle discharges were detected coming from their interior” “Dammit, apparently their ‘routine inspection’ is becoming anything but. As long as they are docked and targeted, that ship isn’t going anywhere.” The Agent reopened a secure channel to [i]Control[/i], his voice stern and flat. “Control, we are picking up multiple blaster fire within their interior. I need a status report. Now!” The comm crackled to life again, and silence hung for a few moments before the frantic voice started spouting off. “Their crew has been separated. Two of which were being brought onto the station for questioning. Then Troopers were suddenly being attacked on the ship. A handful have been killed or injured. We aren’t sure how many are in on this, but whatever the case, they are good and- ” The channel cut off abruptly, only to return with another’s voice, which sounded tinny and slightly muffled. “If that is all you have, I suggest giving up. ” Agent TreVayne ended the channel communication, and stepped over to the holocommand console. “E-V, I need you to pull up the schematics of the Milano.” As he continued speaking, a glowing light-blue skeletal version of the target ship materialized on the holoprojector, slowly rotating. “I need to find the closest hatch to our side, that we can connect with.” A few mere nanoseconds passed before the droid was able to pinpoint a hatch that was near the stern on the starboard side, which would land them at the cargo deck. Gavon looked it over closely, approximating the distance they would need to be in order to successfully connect to the hatch. “E-V move us into position, and then extend the tunnel when you’re close enough to attach.” The Agent quickly moved over to the weapon’s locker along the wall, keying in the unlock code, and opening the door to reveal an assortment of firearms, vibro & energy blades, various small ion & stun grenades, and a satchel of debilitating traps and triggers. He grabbed his armoured long coat and slipped it on, buckling the front straps in, and securing the many pockets. The coat, lined with plates of plastoid and cortosis, hung to about knee length, protecting mostly from short & medium range plasma bolts, and various energy melee weapons. It also offered some protection from heat and flame, and allowed for maximum movement, especially in tight spaces. He grabbed two of his DH-17 blaster pistols, modified to be lighter, and less cumbersome their their older models, and three small energy blades he slipped into the sheaths across his chest. Gavon looked through the satchel of explosives, and traps, quickly organizing them to fit more securely into the bag, which he then strapped to his belt. “Sir, we are in position, and the tunnel extension is on it’s way to connect and seal with the Milano’s cargo hatch.” “Excellence.” He said, fastening the small datapad to his wrist, and heading for the airlock. “Sir, the tunnel has connected and sealed. You have a green light to open the airlock.” Gavon keyed in the airlock release code, and a moment later the door slid open, revealing the narrow conduit ahead. He’d only ever used this method once, back with Imperial Intelligence, but he knew there was no other way to keep some semblance of surprise. The Agent slowly walked up to the cargo hatch, examining the outer control panel next to the door, and spoke into his comm. “E-V, override control relay CR-319-0” He said, crouching next to the flashing console. “Negative Agent, there appears to be a block from any remote interference. You’ll need to interface directly with the console. I will send you the proper override codes” Gavon slid the interface cable out from his wrist console, and snapped it into the port just below the hatches controls. The screen on his console lit up, and a series of encrypted numbers, letters, and symbols scrolled at a rapid pace until it stopped, awaiting a command. The Agent punched in the proper override codes, and after a few moments, the airlock seals released and the hatch slid open, revealing a low lit corridor with another door at the end. Gavon took in a deep breath and pulled one of his blasters from the holster. “E-V, keep an eye out will ya? I don’t need any surprises.” He said, as he stepped onto the Milano, and slowly crept down the corridor. “I shall keep two eyes out for you Agent...”