[center][color=f26522][h2]Kalani Solle[/h2][/color] Bride of [color=bc8dbf]Cuwarr Naxremis[/color] and Sister-bride to [color=a2d39c]Sorici Amberra[/color][/center] Kalani listened to Cuwarr's story and could feel some sort of tension. He clearly did not view his father in a positive light. The idea of honor, whether to maintain it or restore it, was something Kalani understood well. She did not necessarily pity him but she empathized with him. [color=f26522]"And will we have a role in restoring that honor?"[/color] she asked quietly, as if she was simply talking to herself. She was still painting when Cuwarr began to walk around and inspect each of their paintings. She tensed a little as she looked at her own painting. Would it be to his liking? She hoped so. When he came around to her painting, she surprised by his words and actions. He had sensed her hesitation simply by looking at her painting. She wondered if his interpretation of Sorici's painting was correct as well. She glanced at her sister-bride's painting and indeed saw that streak of crimson. It did look a bit violent for such a dark, quiet scenery. She turned back to Cuwarr who had taken a step back. He had told them to get some rest and had soon laid himself in the large bed. Kalani had heard horror stories about Drakken men who are quite barbaric with their Gem brides on their first night. But to see Cuwarr, calling them to sleep beside him, she was relieved and grateful. She took his left side as being his second bride, it seemed proper. The bed was comfortable and she realized how tired she was. It was a long day after all. She thought about her parents, wishing she could let them know that she was doing fine. They must be worried sick about her. And it would be with good reasons too, if she was chosen by a more brutish Drakken. She closed her eyes, hoping that she could send her warmest thoughts to them. Perhaps she would be allowed to write to them. These were her last thoughts as she began to drift asleep.