[hider= Joshua Darwall] [h3]Joshua Darwall[/h3] [b]Alias[/b] - The Magpie, The Dynamite Dancer. [b]Age[/b] - 33 [b]Gender[/b] - Male [b]Occupation[/b] - Saloon Owner [b]Appearance[/b] - [img]https://americangallery.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/bartender.jpg[/img] A normally built man, Joshua has an almost completely faded scar from his left ear to the left corner of his mouth, apart from that the picture sums him up well, just tone down the moustache and add a bit more hair on his head. His trousers are a clean navy blue and he normally wears rather clean and fancy shoes. [b]Height -[/b] Six foot one. [b]Weight - [/b] Twelve stone. [b]Apparel[/b] - The picture sums it up, just replace the apron with a clean navy blue duster coat that is a little too big for him whenever he goes out. [b]Weaponry[/b] - One Colt Walker and a Burnside Carbine. [b]Equipment[/b] - A horse drawn wagon, one hip flask normally filled with a whiskey of some sort, a dowsing stick, two one-litre canteens of water, a wallet with the equivalent of fifty quid in it, normally the odd stick of dynamite on him and camping equipment on the wagon for three people. [b]Skills[/b] - A decent shot with only his Colt Walker and Burnside Carbine, a talented barroom brawler, expert in explosives and a decent cook. [b]Flaws[/b] - Bit too accepting of strangers, sometimes hard to understand with his odd blend of a Texan and British Northern accent, he cannot speak any other language but English, quite stubborn and not too fond of any government official above the sheriffs. He also averagely strong, not the most agile of people either. [b]Personality[/b] - He is incredibly intolerant of innocent people being put in danger and of guns being used indoors. Joshua has a very strong connection with his family's rules: No one uses a gun indoors and no one harms innocent people when he's around. However he is tolerant of newcomers making a show of dominance and good gestures to help, always willing to help the odd local of Soursprings with advice, shelter or a good drink. Being well versed in travelling large areas of the world excluding America Joshua tends to tell newer patrons of his global travels, of the sights he has seen with a smug smile and a lot of time to spare. He tends to jot down rumors off passing patrons, spreading a few to the next patron on the way, he normally gives discounts if he hears good tales and stories. Or in exchange for interesting trinkets he will gladly accept them as substitutes to paying with money. [b]Backstory[/b] - Mister Darwall is from a family of pub owners in Liverpool, his kind and reasonably generous family taught him personally everything he knew, from his formal education to how to run a drinking establishment. Their family pub was failing but there was a new opportunity in the brewing industry, after his family decided to take the opportunity Joshua decided to set off to find somewhere new to settle at the age of 23, wanting to run and own a drinking establishment, not file paperwork for the rest of his life for an infinitely more dull brewery. After ten years of searching a large chunk the world for a suitable home Joshua settled on Soursprings, taking over the saloon formerly known as the Dry Drinks he decided to refurbish his new home and workplace, calling it the Burnside after the rifle he was given by the old owner shortly after he died. Ever since Joshua has hired five other members of staff to help him run a rather successful saloon and regales visitors and travelling wagon hands of his journey searching for a new home, most of the tales being exaggerations to give them as much flavour and variety as the drinks he stockpiled from his travels and family brewery. He still writes to his family and tries to keep a friendly relationship with them. [/hider]