[hider=Cal West] Cs: Name: Clavin West (goes by Cal) Super name: The red racer Age: 20 Gender: Male Powers: Speed: everything about him is speed. He thinks fast, runs fast, eats fast...that type of fun. Downside is his metabolism is enhanced meaning that he must consume large amounts of food to keep up with his body. (Like a hummingbird.) If he does not eat enough he will get nauseated and will pass out. He also cannot get drunk, but he does not know this as of yet. Healing: excelerated healing. Very useful for if he skins his feet or breaks a bone. The more minor the wound the less time it takes. Skills: His intelligence is one notable skill. With fast thinking, he can do things like speed read, solve complex math problems, and memorize important things (textbook chapters or equations) with increased speed and remember it. Not exactly flip through and have it down but much faster then the average person. Parkour is another notable skill. He can leap about and bend way too well. Clumsy...somehow being fast has lead to him being increasingly clumsy. His main enemy is an untied shoe or a rock he didn't see. He has gotten better though. Appearance: Well built with flaming red hair and green eyes Cal stands at 6 foot 1. His skin holds a dusting of freckles and he is hardly seen without a smile. he usually wears jeans, red converse high tops, a red hoodie, and varying shades of t shirts. [hider=pic] [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/46/5b/2b/465b2b4ebafb4a9914383d42e6a82286.jpg[/img] [/hider] Suit: Cal's suit is made of a material to decrease friction. It is all red with two yellow lightning bolts on his hips. His matching shoes have specialty soles so he does not run through the soles and skin his feet. Bio: To put it lightly, cal grew up without the sense of family. He was in foster care for most of his life until the west family adopted him at age 16. The main reason being that his best friend found out that he was in foster care and felt that everyone needed some form of family. He excelled in school and actually graduated from high school extremly early before moving on into the forensics program. He found he had a knack for it and his adoptive father was in law enforcement. He felt a calling and he went for it basically. Where does his power come into this history? Well before he went with the wests he realized he could read at excelerated speeds. Which isn't exciting until Cal reached high school. His reading was incredibly fast and he realized he could run fast after running 5 laps on the track faster then most could run 2 with that realization, he kept to running when he was alone and worked on slowly pushing the speeds. He started having to eat more as his ability increased causing him to be seen with jerky sticks sticking out of his hoodie pocket. His adoptive father figured out his adopted son's abilities after an incident causing cal to trip...for 4 miles... Cal was given the option to join a year ago and took it. He wants to help people and what better way then by working with the government. [/hider] [hider=cupid] Name: Cupido Valentino Code name: [i]"Just call me Cupid darling"[/i] Cupid Age: looks 21 (is actual around 31...slowed aging due to dual races that don't age) Species: Half succubus half angel. Looks: Light tanned skin with what seems to be a gold dusting...he has one tattoo of an anatomically correct heart on his wrist and pale pink eyes. He stands at 6 foot 2 and is lean in muscle, like an archer, though he is much stronger then he looks. His wings are ombré starting with pale almost white pink and ending in deep almost black red. [i]"as in I'm gorgeous dear. Though that's probably thanks to my soul eating mother...not that I'm complaining darling"[/i] Pics: [hider] [img]http://img09.deviantart.net/eb7d/i/2015/106/f/3/smolder_by_tbdoll-d7oemo0.png[/img] [img]http://pre05.deviantart.net/a4a3/th/pre/i/2015/107/8/c/cupid_by_tbdoll-d7gld8g.png[/img] [/hider] Powers: -Illusion: can create illusions that are extremly life like. They can be seen, felt, smelled, and touched though the more complex the illusion the harder it is to focus on and the less he can make. It also leaves him more vulnerable. Often he prefers to lessen them. They appear real, but try to touch and you can't. Only extreme circumstance leads to the more complex. -flight -Body morph: strangely, this is more of a racial ability. He can change his body into something more appealing to his victim. He can even change genders...though when this is done his [i]"I'd still be considered male darling"[/i] he can then feed off of the lust to sedate his demonic half. Note: being of dual good and evil means that sometimes the evil side comes out..when this occurs small horns make an appearance on his forehead. Luckily, the demon half is a succubus and simply wishes to cause mass amounts of lust. He is also very egotistical...very. Skills: -knives: his speciality is a three sided blade he calls the heart breaker -archery -somehow not being killed Bio: Cupid actually was a villain. He would often cause trouble for the area he was in along with trouble for the local heros. Eventually, they caught him and we're going to toss him into a high security cell...but they found out he is half angel. Now he gets to show up at conspiracy to [i]"They put it as *air quotes* reinventing myself"[/i] He doesn't talk much about his further past being that he was raised by a succubus...not much needed to say there. [/hider] [hider=Anubis] Name:Anubis Code name: none Avatars: Alec and black jackal Age: Anubis' current avatar looks around 23 Looks: Human: prince of Persia. Deep black hair with striking blue eyes, tan skin, well built, stands at 6 feet. Jackal: a black jackal with a gold earring, gold collar, pupiless blue eyes, golden paw pads and what appears to be golden eye liner. True self: stands at roughly 8 feet.Looks something like this: [hider] [img]http://img14.deviantart.net/1cd4/i/2004/221/0/4/anubis_lord.jpg[/img] [/hider] Abilities: -Death touch: has to touch in order to work. Kills mortals and plant life, weakens supernaturals, and dulls a gods senses. -Statue control: any creation of his liking he can bring to life and control. This includes busts...but those aren't very useful. He can see through them, but is completly vulnerable whilst doing so. -Judgement: Anubis can see the soul of individuals and judge them. He is also capable of showing the individual the errors of their ways. Often mortals do not handle this well...most do not survive the experience. Those who make it often will change their ways considering that after being judged by Anubis he is the one that leads the dead to their destination. If going to a good place it is a peaceful journey...those who are bad...usually get dragged to his realm since he is the one who passed judgment. Bio: Anubis is the Egyptian God of death. It is said when one dies and goes to that realm Anubis is the one to greet them and help weigh their heart. Once judgement has been passed Anubis is the one to guide them to their next location...bad or good. Every few centuries Anubis comes to earth to watch the mortals since he cares for them so. Every time he surfaces he develops two avatars..a jackal and a human...and has three powers. During this time he is not allowed back to the underworld...a sort of forced vacation. The time period usually lasts quite a long time to humans...but to him it's a small amount of time. He is usually neutral, sinply observing the human race...however occasionally he is known to intervene if too many humans are threatened. Personality: Anubis is rather serious with very little in the way of a sense of humor. He is not known for jokes and when he makes one it's almost shocking. Other: he loves black coffee. His blood is of what looks like liquid gold. It is not. It is also said to have healing properties...but this could be a rumor. [/hider]