[center][img]https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-8jpDjfL_RXc/VgyvP8lrMGI/AAAAAAAAelk/QyrlrZcyvM4/s1600/Bread%2B5.jpg[/img][/center] [color=a36209]Name:[/color] Wyeth Mallory [color=a36209]Age:[/color] Forty two [color=a36209]Titles:[/color] [i]Ser[/i] [color=a36209]Origin:[/color] Village near Penkarth, the North [color=a36209]Allegiance:[/color] House Lear [Hider=Family] Winston Mallory -- Father [i]Serena Mallory[/i] -- Mother [i]Taliyah Mallory[/i] -- Little Sister Danire Mallory -- Little Brother [/hider] [color=a36209]Appearance:[/color] Standing at 5'11", it is obvious that Wyeth is a strong individual. Even his features show his strength, with a pronounced jawline and fierce, brown eyes. His wavy black hair reaches the nape of his neck, and most of the time, it is nicely styled. A black cape almost always rests upon his broad shoulders. His armor heavily resembles the one seen in the picture, with the crow of House Lear forged onto his pauldrons. [color=a36209]Personality:[/color] A humble and diligent knight, Wyeth strictly adheres to the virtues of the Northmen. He makes sure to show that he is a loyal man serving under the colors of House Lear. Even though he appears to be the epitome of a man in his knighthood, he hides away his ego rather well. He secretly believes that he deserves more than he has and will be given. His pride mostly shows on the battlefield, as he cares more about the wounds to his name rather than the ones on his body. All throughout, he is a homely man. After taking care of the Lear children throughout their younger years, Wyeth is almost motherly towards them. He dotes on them constantly and keeps an eye out for them, even if they are older. [color=a36209]Background:[/color] Ever since Wyeth's birth, his father had given him nothing but disdain and contempt. He blamed him for the death of his mother, who had died in childbirth, and his twin sister, who died along with her. While both his father and him lived in the same household, it was as if the boy didn't exist. Wyeth had to fend for himself; as time went on, he learned where and how to get food and cook it. His father sometimes helped him with the more trivial things, but even then, it was as if he were tossing about a sack of potatoes. His father found another woman when he was but ten years old. When Wyeth was twelve, his new mother gave birth to another son. They named him Danire, and Danire took whatever inheritance he had away from him. He would be granted his father's farmland when he was of age, and Wyeth would have nothing. His father said that he would be lucky if he was gifted pig shit instead of an inheritance. After that, it wasn't long until he was kicked out of his home. Luckily, Wyeth found himself in the hands of a knight who had sworn himself to House Lear. He brought him to the castle, and with that, he became a page for the lord at the age of thirteen. It was then that he grew close to the heir of Penkarth, Ulfar Lear. The two became as close as brothers, sparring and joking in their youth. To him, they were basically alike. It was only when they grew older that Wyeth knew that they were different. Ulfar was the heir to House Lear, while he had just become a squire. Years passed by and Wyeth remained by Ulfar's side. Even when there was the beginnings of a rebellion in the north, Wyeth made sure that his Lord and sworn friend, and his wife, of course, were safe. When the young lord rode into battle, he rode with him, fighting alongside the knights themselves, even if he was a squire. After Ulfar's cousin was defeated and the remaining embers of rebellion were snuffed out, Wyeth was named a sworn knight of House Lear. When Ulfar produced three children, Wyeth was there to take care of them when neither he nor his wife couldn't. He became rather close to Sigurd, the new heir of House Lear. Even when he became sick with the pox, he always hovered close, making sure that he was well nourished and clean. Fortunately, the heir became healthy, and once again roamed the halls of Castle Penkarth. Ever since, Wyeth has been making sure that the lands and children of Ulfar Lear have been well protected.