[Center] [color=OrangeRed][h2] Quince [/h2][/color] [H2]Location: [U]Approaching where Roshi fought the Demon King Piccolo[/U][/h2] [@NacNak][/Center][hr] The longer he continued to fly west the more uneasy he felt. Quince couldn't tell what, but he didn't have a good feeling. Ever since he noticed those 5 shooting star like objects power levels he began to worry about where he is. Hopefully the first power level he sensed before wasn't has grim as the 5 from the stars. [Color=OrangeRed] "I'm getting closer... W-what...the hell...."[/color] Quince turned around looking in the direction of where the 5 beings descended and felt an evil presences like none other before. He was definitely not on his planet anymore. He continued to fly west motivated to get more answers, though his attempt to do so was interrupted by a surprisingly bright light followed by a seriously painful wave of energy that forcefully jolted him forward causing him to flail to the ground. He wasn't able to catch him self fast enough and collided with a tree breaking it possible a bone somewhere in his body. [Color=OrangeRed] "D-damn....it..." [/color] He stood to his feet slowly using the stomp of the broken tree as a support. Quince took to the sky at a steady pace searching for the origin of the power level that is now closer than before. As he flew he rubbed his chest and didn't find anything that was broken. [Color=OrangeRed] "Hello...c-can someone here me!?" [/color] He questioned as he sensed the power level closer than before and could possible be close enough to hear him.