Brother Fellwalker was thumbing the activation rune on his chain axe long before the giant insectoid creature swooped forth to claim the life of Brother Bacara. Fellwalker had tried to vain hopes that he could perhaps aid his battle brother as he leapt forth to try and intercept the giant blue monstrosity that was carrying away the devastator marine like he was nothing but a child's' toy. His chain axe roared to life as he tried to swat at the Xenos monster, the blades barely clipping the creature's lower leg and gliding off the rough chitin like a bullet upon power armour. Kaerell roared with primal rage at the alien as he saw it, and Brother Bacara, plummet off the chasm's edge and into the depths that would so surely kill any creature that fell within its walls. Brother Fellwalker was now, unlike eve before, frothing at the very mouth such was his vile repulsion at the creature which he just witnessed as it so casually murdered his brother in cold blood. He ranted and raved, spewing curses as readily as they came into his bloodthirsty mind, he loathed everything about the creature and all its bastardised kindred of which is called a species. He would destroy them utterly and without remorse, to seem them wiped from the face of existence like ants before an all-consuming flame that would obliterate all that stood before it. His blood boiled, and would not stand for the death as it refused to abate and instead it simmered, his anger kept just under the surface of his scarred and battered face, his helmet itself seemed to warp into that of a snarling predator as he announced his rage with all the vilest of curses he knew. He damned the creature to a death more horrid than its senses could relay, to see its nerves frayed and its very body wrought bare into nothingness, atom by atom, particle by bloody particle. It did not last, however, as his anger gave way to something far more benign and perhaps odd. Calmness. His abrupt stop and regaining of posture were almost unnerving, as he ceased the motors on his bloodied axe and simply stood there staring at the floor as though it was to swallow him whole. A near deafening sigh enveloped him, as Fellwalker simply shrugged it off with nothing so much as a casual annoyance. He gave one sentence to those about him, utterly uncaring to what was happening around him, be it the Librarian's courageous and valiant attempt at saving the doomed battle brother, or even the melancholy that seemed to radiate from brother Moros. “Keep moving.” His words were not strained nor stressed, his voice being a threatening whisper that promised never ending pain to all those that would stand before him and his target. He would not rest until he saw every last Tau on this world burn for their actions. Their loss would be nothing compared to the defilement of the holy construction that was even a single battle brother, who had been perfected for thousands of years before their pathetic society even crawled from the muck of their paltry world.