The chattering of the bubble spiders slowly became white noise and a mere distraction to the sight they were witnessing now. At the moment, it seemed everyone was staring at the crucified girl on the wall. Scarlet helped in keeping the door back, eyes flicking from Marianne speaking to the new girl and the door that kept them safe from the danger outside. “You can’t free yourself from these chains? No…of course you can’t. You’re a long way from home, aren’t you Lusso,” Marianne said with a growing smirk. Her hand stroked the bound girl’s cheek just a little more, leaving behind a small patch of ice on her skin before she moved away. After all, she was only here to observe and act if need be. Whether Lusso was to be freed was not up for her to decide. The dark girl moved off to the side and crossed her arms, eyes scanning for the other’s reactions. As she did so, her gaze flitted over to one of the newcomers. Shawn and his little pet over there. She stared at them with a knowing smile before turning her attention back to the others.