Rebeca blinked, and her head jerked up to look around, her height turning out to be an advantage for once. "[color=crimson]Right! Bathroom! Uuuhhh, iiittt'sss riiight...[/color]" she craned her neck, finally catching sight of the universal signs, "[color=crimson]Over there.[/color]" Her eyes followed the girl as she hurried away. [i][color=crimson]Huh. Must have really needed to go.[/color][/i] An odd feeling began to filter through her mind, and she glanced down at a Mihkail, frowning as she noticed the intense way he was staring up at her. [i][color=crimson]What're you staring at?[/color][/i] Mihkail slowly blinked. [i][color=e25822]What was that?[/color] [color=crimson]What was what?[/color] [color=e25822]That.[/color] [color=crimson]She was asking where the bathroom was. So I told her.[/color] [color=e25822]Before that. The part where you forgot how to do words.[/color][/i] [i][color=crimson]She surprised me, is all.[/color][/i] Again, that odd feeling began to filter through Rebeca's thoughts, and was soon accompanied by echoing laughter. She glanced down again, glaring at her brother. [i][color=crimson]What?[/color][/i] A low rumble came from the Rhyhorn's throat, like he was gargling gravel. [i][color=e25822]You [b]LIKE[/b] her![/color][/i] Rebeca rolled her eyes. [i][color=crimson]Oh, you have [b]GOT[/b] to be kidding me. I just met her![/color] [color=e25822]You know, I don't really see it myself. Too skinny. Girl needs to have some heft to her.[/color] [color=crimson]Shut up![/color][/i] [@Salrynn]